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PP will not support “media control plan” and accuses Sánchez of resembling Maduro

The People’s Party refuses to support the government in its plan to control the media. Sources of training of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo They assure that the PP will not support “any government approach based on control of the media.”

Moncloa claims that his initiative “born of the Constitution” and the recent regulation on freedom of the media approved by the EU. The truth is that this text, already in force and which does not need to be transposed, aims to protect the media from abuses of political power. And in the PP, there is fear that the government wants to legislate too much with “this coat hanger” and take advantage of “harass” to the media that “publish topics and questions that make President Sánchez uncomfortable.”

The initial idea that Sánchez himself announced after his five days of reflection in April – and that he himself announced in a letter to citizens justifying it by the “harassment of pseudo-media and the hoaxes of far-right associations” – is that the new legislation’s objectives provide “more transparency” to media ownership. And to avoid having “digital tabloids” benefiting from public subsidies – from the PP regional governments – to support them.

For the most popular, it is “striking that Sánchez promotes his proposal precisely after the judicial investigation against his wife.” Begoña Gomezaccused of corruption and influence peddling, “and when the corruption cases directly affect part of his government and his party.”

The PP recalls that unlike directives, European regulations come into force at the moment of their publication. And if Sánchez wants to apply the transparency measures established by the EU, he should start by explaining the reasons that led him to designate Cascajosa, a PSOE activist, as President of RTVEFor example.

“Pedro Sánchez already controls the RTVE and Efe agencies with leaders of good obedience,” said the former Secretary of State for Communication of his first government, Miguel Angel Oliveras the aforementioned Genoese sources recall. And these are just two of the “good parts of the state institutions that he has already colonized.”

Upon returning from his reflection, Sánchez announced control measures not only for the media, but also for justice. But the truth is that a few weeks later, the PP and the government reached an agreement to reform and renewal of the CGPJSince then, as this newspaper publishes, Moncloa has slowed down and warned that its “democratic regeneration plan” would focus only on the press and its relationship with power.

“The vocation of Moncloa to extend its control also to the private media,” says the PP, brings it closer to the methods of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.

“Sánchez’s attitude is worrying” and is more like that of the countries that this government is allergic to calling dictatorships, PP sources point out.

For Feijóo’s people, it is nothing more than a “smokescreen with which he intended to distract public opinion” and who now “wants to make it a law.” Something that, “of course, will not be done with the support of the PP.”

It would make no sense for the people to support media control measures that Sánchez also intends to link to the autonomies of the PP and the “political mud”. Because this regulation does not specify it and because “Sánchez is not the one who distributes media licenses or good journalist cards based on what they write or say about him.”

The problem of regeneration, concludes the PP, “does not come in any way from Spanish democracy, but rather from Sánchez’s party, Sánchez’s government and Sánchez himself.”




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