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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo denounces government opacity regarding two Spaniards detained by Maduro

Feijóo denounces government opacity regarding two Spaniards detained by Maduro

The President of the Popular Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijoovisited a nursery school in Alicante on Monday, where he announced the registration of a conciliation law in Congress to, among other things, make education from 0 to 3 years free throughout the country, as is already the case in some communities chaired by the Popular Party. The event, which is part of the PP’s strategy of focusing on promoting social policies, also allowed the Galician to criticize the government’s attitude due to the lack of information on the detention of two Spaniards in Venezuela and to reproach it for not communicating the asylum application of opposition candidate Edmundo González, whom he will meet this Tuesday.

In contrast to this opacity of the Executive, the Galician stressed that important voices of the PSOE have already begun to speak with “clarity” that the regime of Nicolas Maduro is a “dictatorship”. Feijóo refers specifically to the statements made in recent days by socialist leaders such as the Minister of Defense, Marguerite Roblesor the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Joseph Borrell. “I thank the activists and leaders of the PSOE for starting to speak clearly and to call the Maduro regime a dictatorship, because unfortunately that is the case. I assure you that it is not easy for me to say it, but I would be violating my conscience if I used euphemisms. or I look away,” he said.

In this regard, he warned of the “attack” on political and civil rights that is being carried out in Venezuela, where, according to him, the unequivocal will of the Venezuelan people is “buried based on the economic and ideological interests of Mr. Maduro’s government.”

FFeijoo expressed his “concern” over the detention of two Spanish “compatriots” in Venezuela “by the Maduro regime” and conveyed his “personal support” to their respective families. “I am sorry that I cannot tell you anything more, because we have been aware of this for 48 hours, but The main party in our country has no information from the government“None,” he lamented, regarding an arrest that the Chavista regime is making for an alleged espionage game in which the National Intelligence Center (CNI) is allegedly involved.

Thus, he confirmed that the first opposition party has not been informed of “what their personal conditions are, where they are being held and what the conditions of habitability of the place where they are being held are.” As he pointed out, the PP does not know “what measures have been taken” in response to these events.The lack of information from the government about this arrest is regrettable. of two Spaniards and on the government’s negotiations with the Maduro regime, both to grant asylum to the one who won the elections and, in this case, to see what they do with our compatriots detained by the Venezuelan regime,” he added.

European Parliament

In addition, Feijóo confirmed that he will meet this Tuesday in the Congress of Deputies with opposition candidate Edmundo González, who, as he stated, “is the winner of the presidential elections” that took place in Venezuela on July 28. The PP leader indicated that he will receive him in Congress because it is the seat of the “representation of the sovereignty of our country” and it is “the same Chamber that recognized him as the elected president of Venezuela”, highlighting the approval motion last week presented by the parliamentary majority led by the PP, with the support of Vox, PNV, Canarian Coalition and UPN

A motion similar to the one that will be debated in the European Parliament, which will study this Tuesday and vote on Thursday on what the European Union should do in the face of the crisis unleashed in Venezuela. “ET I hope that the European Parliament will also vote with its respect the rights of the Venezuelan people acquired in the elections of July 28,” he said, adding that “a dictatorship cannot impose itself on a democracy” for “ideological, economic or political” reasons.

Finally, regarding the possibility that the Constitutional Court Being able to veto the appeals presented by the autonomous communities against the amnesty law, Feijóo asked that the territories “not be censored” and that they be allowed to “exercise their legitimate rights” in the face of a law that affects the rights and equality of all citizens. The Galician recalled that not only the autonomous communities appealed this law, but also the Supreme Court, which he considers “historic”, since “the highest jurisdictional body” asks whether a rule is constitutional.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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