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HomeLatest NewsWomen using the night bus in Valladolid can ask the driver to...

Women using the night bus in Valladolid can ask the driver to stop near their home, in the queue.

The mayor of Valladolid, Jesús Julio Carnero, announced on the occasion of Mobility Week that women who use the “Búho” bus in the capital of Valladolid will be able to ask the driver to stop as close as possible to their home as long as they do not deviate from his usual route.

These are “on-demand” stops as long as the bus does not leave the line. In concrete terms, the mayor explained that the woman or women traveling alone can ask the driver to stop as close as possible to the door of their house and by the front door, which he considers “social justice.”

Carnero detailed this measure, which is added to others also focused on mobility, such as the possibility for the self-employed to park in ORA zones without time limits, that is, without having to move their car 250 meters every two hours.

Finally, the mayor also indicated that all areas near schools will be declared “Safe School Transport” with a limitation of 20 kilometers per hour at the times of entry and exit of school centers.

In this case, the appropriate vertical and horizontal signage will be placed in these areas, which total around 122 in the capital of Valladolid, as explained by the mayor during his speech at the Political Conversations forum organized by El Mundo-Diario de Valladolid.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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