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HomeBreaking News"Adibin Evi" welcomed Knowledge Day in a school that "has witnessed three...

“Adibin Evi” welcomed Knowledge Day in a school that “has witnessed three centuries.”

Knowledge Day was celebrated at Secondary School No. 67, one of the oldest in Baku, known as a “witness of three centuries”, located in Sabunchu district, on the initiative of the “Writer’s House” established at the residence of Mir Jalal, a prominent writer, scientist and educator from Icherisheher.

AZERTAC reports that at the event, with the support of Balakhanı Operating Company LTD, schoolchildren received a book collection consisting of classic works by Azerbaijani and world writers in a separate corner.

Following the corner’s opening ceremony, several speakers spoke about the bright paths that knowledge will open for our youth in an open class with high school students.

Shafaq Mehraliyeva, CEO of Adibin Evi, said: “The book is the only gift that contains the knowledge that is given to us throughout our life, we use it again and again, we do not exhaust it. It is thanks to them that every person realizes his dreams.”

Rovshan Rzayev, President of Balakhani Operating Company LTD, stressed that education is an integral part of Azerbaijan’s national identity: “Secondary School No. 67 is the embodiment of this, because the school was founded at the end of the 19th century in the Congress of Industry oil field to educate children of workers working in the Balakhani-Sabunchu-Ramana oil fields. It was opened in 1897.

Comparing Balakhani, the oldest black oil mine in Absheron, to the school, Rovshan Rzayev added that the walls of both institutions keep the history of our Motherland alive. It is up to our educated youth to keep its legacy alive.

The company’s president said that they will always support this school, which serves the local community, within the sense of “social responsibility” of their activities.

Gunel Safarova, Deputy Director of the Department of Child Protection of the Ministry of Science and Education, conveyed the greetings of the Minister of Education to the school “Witness of Three Centuries” and highly appreciated the establishment of cooperation between companies operating in the community and schools. She reminded that quality education of our students should not be the responsibility of the school alone, but should be a shared responsibility of the community.

The open lesson continued with a question-and-answer session with students. High school student Jamil Shirinov introduced the guests to the book “Old Chap Rudy”, written in English.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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