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New economy and innovation in Barcelona: new dates

Innovation, sustainability, digital transformation and participation will converge in Barcelona on October 7, 8, 9 and 10, on the occasion of the celebration of the fifth edition of the New Economy Week in Barcelona (NEW). An event organized by the Barcelona Free Zone Consortium (CZFB) with the aim of contributing to the advancement of the new economy, the result of technological and commercial development.

For four days, the DFactory Barcelona building, a world-renowned technological ecosystem for Industry 4.0 promoted by the CZFB, will host 350 speakers, experts in the seven areas in which the event is organized: Digital industry, Sustainable development, Mobility, Talent, Health, Experience And Aviation-new in this edition. Furthermore, the BNEW will maintain and strengthen one of its characteristics: participation online. This is the first event organized after the lockdown, created and designed during the state of alarm, and the hybridization between the physical and face-to-face part and the digital part continues to be one of its strong points.

“BNEW is synonymous with innovation, disruption, digital transformation, talent, as well as connection and synergies. Events like BNEW help to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the present and future of the new economy. Likewise, it is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications, from industry experts with an in-depth vision of the major challenges of the global economic landscape,” summarizes Pere Navarro, Special Delegate of the State at CZFB. The Catalan capital thus reinforces its role as an epicentre strong innovatoraccording to the European Innovation Dashboard 2023 prepared by the European Commission, as well as an internationally attractive city by occupying eighth place, out of 100, in the annual report The best cities in the world 2024 from the North American consulting firm Resonance.

Innovation and connection between people

Knowledge, networking —networking— and innovation are the fundamental aspects that BNEW offers to meeting participants, whether individuals or companies, public institutions, organizations or startups. Knowledge to be updated, with the participation of experts with recognized experience through agile and innovative formats. It networkingin person and remotely, is one of the priorities of the event. To do this, the organization has prepared immersive experiences, after work and a digital platform that, thanks to algorithms based on artificial intelligence (AI), facilitates the creation of business-to-business—B2B—agendas, business to businessin English—a fact that allows participants to optimize their time with the objective—-target- appropriate. And finally, access to innovation, through another digital platform that allows access to all the innovation and the latest trends in each sector, with presentations and a directory classified by type of product and service.

“Connect, boost and transform” is the motto of this edition of BNEW. Three actions that will materialize through a hundred debates, panels, inspiring conferences, interviews and sessions, three knowledge television sets, the digital platform to promote professional contacts, the intervention of 350 speakers of the highest national and international level and 140 hours of content. A manifestation of media and proposals that last year brought together 12,508 participants — 8,316 in person and 4,192 online —, 30% international.

Seven work areas

“At CZFB, we promote innovation in a transversal way in multiple sectors such as industry, mobility, real estate, logistics, etc. With BNEW, we want to promote the rapprochement between worlds, generating new opportunities within and outside our borders,” explains Blanca Sorigué, general director of CZFB and BNEW. Thus, the six thematic verticals that made up the event last year have been expanded to seven on this occasion, with Aviation as a new player. This is a field that is experiencing great progress in the era of the new economy, innovation and sustainability. During BNEW, the latest innovations and strategies in air transport will be an opportunity to exchange experiences, with presentations such as Women in the Airspace either The Industrial Revolution of the New Space.

In the case of Digital industry Areas such as technology development and innovation centers, robotization and automation, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of ThingsIn English-, blockchaindata sovereignty or applications of generative artificial intelligence. This segment will show how emerging technologies are transforming the manufacturing industry and improving operational efficiency.

Sustainability It will become a space for presenting sustainable solutions, for the environment and for the economy, accessible to both private companies and public organizations. To do this, we will reflect on the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, eco-architecture, the transformation of the agri-food industry, the impact of tourism or the leadership of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in environmental, social and corporate governance. factors that are taken into account when investing in a company – the so-called ESG criteria, from English. environmental, social and governance—.

The public and private sectors will also be involved in Mobilitya space dedicated to discussing the most innovative and effective proposals in terms of mobility. This segment will focus on solutions that improve transport infrastructures and promote more efficient and sustainable mobility: from the integration of AI in urban traffic management to connected and autonomous mobility, including the definition of urban air mobility.

In Talent Training needs arising from changes in consumption and production patterns posed by the new economy will be put on the table. These sessions will address how companies can adapt to changes such as the blue economy, new emerging AI talents or older workers, as well as the skills that will be essential for the future of work.

Technologies applied to health, in particular the latest innovations in digital tools, will focus the presentations of Health. This segment will examine how these technologies can improve healthcare and public health management. Topics to be covered include next-generation drugs, digital therapeutics, and the importance of data centers for personalized medicine.

Finally, the vertical experience will offer in-person participants a tour of Barcelona’s gastronomy, design, art and music. It is a space that aims to create a holistic experience that celebrates the city’s culture and encourages professional networking among participants.

Innovation Center for Startups

Business innovation and entrepreneurship materialize in startups and BNEW does not forget them. One more year, the event will feature BNEW Innovation Center for Startupsa meeting point between companies, potential partners, investors and the technological advances in the sectors of sustainable development, talent, mobility, digital industry, health and aviation that are transforming them. Among the proposals received, a committee of experts will select the 10 most outstanding, which will compete for the BNEW Awards: a distinction by field which will reward the most disruptive initiatives.

The countdown to the celebration of the fifth edition of BNEW is already underway.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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