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HomePeace between Judaism and Islam: Is mutual recognition possible?

Peace between Judaism and Islam: Is mutual recognition possible?

Six months ago, Rabbi Uri Sherki, one of the influential leaders of religious Zionism in Israel, sent a message to the Islamic world calling for mutual respect and recognition between Judaism and Islam. His speech raised issues of interfaith dialogue and cooperation. In addition, Rabbi Sherki visited the United Arab Emirates, where he met with representatives of the Islamic clergy.

This was reported by the Telegram channel “Men in Black.”

The rabbi recently received a response from Iraqi Sunni Islamic theologian Abu Musa Al-Iraqi. In his letter, Al-Iraqi emphasizes the importance of the historical connections between Judaism and Islam, noting that Islam respects the Jewish people, regardless of their religious or secular beliefs. He noted that respect arises from the recognition of the dignity of every person.

Al-Iraqi’s letter contains quotes from the Quran that highlight the religious and historical connections between Islam and Judaism. Part of the letter is devoted to the Jewish people’s right to the Land of Israel, which is also confirmed by Islamic sources. Al-Iraqi calls for mutual cooperation between Jews and Muslims, emphasizing the common moral and ethical values ​​that unite these religions.

Rabbi Uri Sherki reacted positively to the response:

“After I sent a message to Islamic theologians clarifying that Judaism is not an enemy of moderate Islam, but demands that Islam recognize the right of Jews to the holy and reserved land, and the end of murder and terrorism, I began to receive responses from Muslim leaders and scientists who supported my words. The message sent to me by the respected Iraqi Sunni theologian Abu Musa Al-Iraqi may be the beginning of a new relationship between religions. A bridge of faith across the abyss of hatred and terror.”

However, not everyone shares his optimism. There is skepticism about the extent to which many members of the Islamic clergy, especially in Arab countries, are willing to engage in dialogue with Judaism and recognize the rights of the Jewish people. Although the Abraham Accords provided an important basis for interfaith contacts, the situation remains complex and is not as progressive everywhere.

As Cursor previously reported, Israel had the support of the dean of one of the largest Christian universities.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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