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reasons to divorce ‘ipso facto’

My friend Zoe says that the couple 21st century is at dusk, in a kind of free fall or decline of the Roman Empire. I love this last concept, the couple heteronormative and patriarchal is something that undoubtedly worked for our grandmothers (each in her role) but in the 20th century It started to leak and at the moment it (the water) reaches our noses, where many can no longer breathe.

As every summer, couples are increasingly tense on vacation, many people have separated, including Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck; known as Bennifer. The couple reconciled in 2021, almost two decades later from their first breakup in 2004, and they got married. But Jennifer has just filed for divorce, which coincides with the second anniversary of their ostentatious wedding as rumors of the affair swirl. Affleck with the attractive Kennedy Kick daughter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The international press is wondering what really happened to make this so costly and passionate love story Hollywood, I guess what happens to everyone has happened to them. How many healthy couples do you know?

There are, no doubt, but I would love, and will probably write, a book between humor, modern philosophy and personal development which will be called You have to love a man a lot to live with him..

Indeed, To support the inherent machismo, whether you know it or not, you have to be in love like a female dog, with triggered, unmanageable, compulsively secreting hormones of dopamine and oxytocin. Because that’s the only way to neglect all the things that must be neglected when living with a man, if one knows where his nose is (there are many who do not suspect anything).

And I’m not talking about serious cases, I’m talking about men who put the dishwasher inof course, as if that was all.

If we go one step further into hell, there are also relationships that should end for their own sake. high level of psychological violence (by both members), otherwise physical. You already know:

-I don’t like that dress you’re wearing at all, it makes you look old. Aren’t you going to eat some bread?

But today I’m not here to talk obvious abuse, but the inconsiderations or licenses that some grant themselves in couple life and this, in my opinion, is intolerable.

Living together is complicated (holding together is not easy either…) and for anyone living together for more than a week There are reasons to separate. Let us analyze, without shame, and refresh, for the love of knowledge and truth, some unacceptable classical couplets.

Lies: I don’t know what is harder, to put up with a liar or a lover of the truth. What seems clear is that It is necessary to tell truths and to lie be smart. I hate sincere man, but if you can’t trust your partner, it’s better to break up.

Disloyalty: Dumas (son) said that ““Marriage is a chain so heavy that it takes two, and often three, to carry it.” infidelity It’s very ugly, we don’t want it, but it’s even worse lack of companionship and produces more unhappy couples. Have you never seen those people who gain social value by ridiculing or contradicting their “loves” in public? There are some spectacles of greater obscenity.

Hyposexuality, sexual incompetence or selfishness: We kiss in the elevator, we can barely insert the key in the lock of the house, we can’t stop kissing… We get half naked, strictly what is necessary, there is no time for so much desire, you feel that you were born to be here and now, in this moment, kissed by this addictive being and this cadence that dominates you, you are violently happy… And this is only just beginning, at least that’s what you thought.

-But it’s already done?

Mamilones or mamilonas:

-Dear, I made a reservation at this restaurant that we like…

-Wait, I’ll call mom, see if she’s okay with it. […] He says that the one in the square is much better and that we shouldn’t eat seafood because it would hurt us. And it doesn’t occur to us to bathe without having digested. And don’t forget to put the factor 50 cream on my nose, it would burn me then. And then he calls us.

Mixing problems: There are incurable and very complex diseases like depression, THE schizophrenia wave paranoia that directly affect coexistence… There are countless pathologies that can put an end to the happiness of a couple between drugs, alcohol, gambling… Or the many types of impulse control disorders. Allow a little courtesy time, but remember you are neither a nurse nor a saint. We were going to be here!

Campechanos: Lovers must relentlessly fight a monster that devours everything, trust me. Yeah YesHe made a coffee with milk and serves it with the spoon inside while he sits on the couch in his underwear ready to spend the afternoon alternately caressing you and his toes, leaving him immediately or running away. If you like sexual or scatological jokes, you are stupid! With all due respect, if you are simple (have a basic humor, (implies being) do yourself a favor and hide it for as long as possible.

Throws: One of the worst attributes of coexistence is dirt (in bed, no problem) and disorder. The lazy one, bag In Venezuela, Asshole In Pepper And disobliged In Mexico, dwill leave the tetrabrik empty milk or juice containers in the refrigerator, it will open drawers and doors but not close them, it will wet the mirrors in all the bathrooms and finally, it will put an end to order and harmony in its wake… Passport!


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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