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“Found” Wills

Willingness to agree and willingness to continue the dialogue, yes. Your “cordial” and “frank and sincere” meeting. But for little more than to meet in future meetings and discuss the topics to be addressed. So far, the meetings this Monday of the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, the popular party Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, with the leaders of the parliamentary groups, with the exception of Pablo Fernández (Vamos) and former Ciudadanos Francisco Igea, self-excluded from the contact round. And that’s it “doubts” about this understanding with the head of the Executive was the common note of the opposition spokesmen, who tried to defend their objectives with as much insistence as to hold Mañueco responsible for the fact that they would not arrive, using the argument that almost two and a half years after the beginning of his legislature, his proposals would have fallen on deaf ears.

From the Council, outstretched hand. “We are not going to prejudge the possibility of these agreements”the spokesman stressed, Carlos Fernandez Carriedowho also launched his attack on the benches opposite: “It would be easier” if these parties had “a greater margin of freedom” beyond the “defense of national positions”.

If there were “little expectations”, nothing was done for understanding. Although he did not jump into the air either, and even a false eviction alert It was activated by mistake while Mañueco was meeting with Por Ávila spokesman Pedro Pascual and nearly ruined the day. The president raised three topics open to contributions from political groupsThe first, in view of the bilateral meetings that the head of the Central Executive, Pedro Sánchez, will hold with regional leaders and the Conference of Presidents, so that they can “contribute proposals and ideas” so that what Mañueco achieves under his arm at these meetings “This is not exclusively the Council’s position” but the general “feeling” of the Community. He also proposed to offer “detailed information” on progress in regional financing in order to “establish the community’s position on such a relevant issue.” And thirdly, create working groups issues already put on the table a year ago, such as health and the Atlantic corridor, open to “all” participants, but with the intention of moving them forward “regardless” of the fact that others do not respond to the call.

“I wish, I hope, I trust that we can reach an agreement for the good of our Community,” replied the Socialist Group spokesman Luis Tudanca. “We are not going to refuse to speak for and for Castilla y León. Never,” stressed the socialist spokesman, while displaying his “doubts” about a possible consensus. Including, he said, on the next budgets, the draft of which has already been put forward by the Council, as confirmed by Carriedo. And with this document already drafted, he added, they “the effort” to reach an agreement essential for its approval now that the PP has remained in the minority after the departure of Vox, because “today there is no certainty” that the Accounts will take place, also recognized the Minister of Economy and Finance.

And it was precisely in this minority in which Mañueco remained that Tudanca clung and put salt, who attributed the series of contacts to the “a necessity that squeezes and suffocates” the president. “It is not easy to regain confidence in Mr. Mañueco” who “remembers Santa Bárbara only when he rumbles,” the socialist reproached, stressing that the meeting a year ago “was useless” and warned that the laws and agreements “must be fulfilled.” “It is in your hands,” he said. And he stressed that, despite the fact that Vox is no longer in government, the President of the Council “We have to choose: either Castilla y León or the extreme right.” If he does not succeed and also “return to the path of dialogue, of majorities, he will demonstrate that the only thing he wants is to find a new partner to deceive” and there he will not find the PSOE to “whitewash”, the socialist reiterated. And another thing: “We cannot agree on half the budgets with Vox and half the budgets with us.”


And the other party which has the absolute majority in its seats – and until July the other part of the coalition – He is not really happy with the meeting either.. At least that’s what J said.Juan Garcia-Gallardo upon his return to the Colegio de la Asunción, but now as spokesperson for Vox. “The meeting was not beneficial” because “there was nothing to negotiate” on the issues that those of Santiago Abascal intended to introduce into the debate, such as housing, depopulation, “orderly and legal migration” or the countryside. Nor did he criticize a “first negotiation” of the budget, which he has already announced that Vox would address without red lines, a certain point being “non-negotiable.” But, he added, “we aspire to have a substantial part of our proposals reflected” in these Accounts. And with a clear premise on this point and on other points of possible agreement, marked by “many unknowns about what awaits us” for the rest of the legislature: “It seems that the PP wants a blank check” and “he will not count on him.” “Vox is not going to give his votes,” Gallardo stressed.

Nor excessive confidence in the rest, even if, with more or less zeal, they expressed their wishes. “We are here to collaborate, not to lay stones”stressed Pedro Pascualopening the block of “provincial” demands. “We have expressed our loyalty to the institutions of Castilla y León, but always with our demands to the province of Avila because we believe that it continues to have gaps,” warned the prosecutor of Por Avila.

More skeptical Luis Mariano Santos (UPL) in his “déjà vu” with Mañueco. “We are willing to talk, but, of course, we are not stupid,” warned the Leonesista, convinced that the popular party still has room for maneuver. “faithful and docile partner called Vox.” For their support, “we need more than acts of faith and expectations that are confirmed,” he stressed, also taking stock of all the initiatives presented in the budgets and that have clashed with the number 1 of the PP. And “a bad feeling, but not disappointed, because I did not expect much” from Ángel Ceña, head of Soria ¡Ya! “I think they have no desire to negotiate with us,” he lamented.

To close the intense morning, the debut of the new spokesperson of the Popular Group, Ricardo Gavilaneswho defended that the “goal” of his bloc “is to advance the pacts that benefit the people of Castilla y León” and regretted that the opposition “relies on national arguments” to continue against the interests of the Castilians and Leonese.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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