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Riolobos assures that the PP “will continue to fight for the burial” of the AVE in Talavera

PP senator Carmen Riolobos assured that from the Popular Party “we will continue to fight in the Senate, so that Talavera has the railway infrastructure it deserves, including the burying of the tracks in the urban section.”

Thus, she spoke at a press conference, accompanied by the senators of the Popular Party, Vicente Tirado, Israel Pérez and Miguel Ángel de la Rosa and the deputy spokesperson of the Popular Parliamentary Group of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, Santiago Serrano, where have we defended this If this burial does not take place, “the future development of our city will be limited.”

Riolobos explained that after the statements of the subdelegate of the provincial government, from which it emerged that the burying of the AVE during its passage through Talavera is excluded, the Popular Party asked the Government a series of questions to see how the mandate of the Senate for the month of June is going.

In which it was asked, among other things, approve the timetable for the completion of the AVEspeed up all procedures, including resolving the informative study and the burying of the AVE when it passes through Talavera de la Reina, preparing construction projects and starting work on the sections within a maximum period of one year, in addition to launching other actions with the electrification of conventional trains.

The senator stressed that It cannot be abandoned for six main reasons: The first is that Talavera must eliminate the insurmountable barrier represented by the railways, which prevent the city from “expanding and this is a historical requirement, which we are not going to give up.”

Second, because there is unanimity of all political forces and all social forcesso that the AVE goes underground for fundamental reasons of “protection of the environment and the health of residents living near the station tracks”.

Third, because There is an agreement signed in 2007 between ADIF, the Community Commission of Castilla-La Mancha and the City Council of Talavera, where this burial is planned and also “the plans for burying the AVE when it passes through Talavera have been available since practically the beginning of the project”.

Fourth, because all the allegations that have been presented The City Council and the various political groups, parties, platforms and associations are considering the burial of the AVE, and “the ministry knows it and has defended itself in all the meetings”, and it is an “imperative necessity for our city”.

Fifth, Riolobos stated that Talavera wants to be like the rest of the Spaniards“It is a real scandal and a real marginalization that the government wants to invest even a cent in Talavera to bury the AVE”, which is the only objective reason they put forward.

Precisely, 777 million euros are invested to bury the Bilbao AVE1 billion are invested and reserved for Hospitalet de Llobregat, 628 million for Montcada and Reixac, 120 million for Sant Feliu de Llobregat and 21 million for Canallers, “and there cannot be first-class cities like those in the Basque Country.” Country, in Catalonia and in some other regions of Spain and in second-class cities like Talavera de la Reina.

Riolobos said that The city has been marginalized for 20 years “and they want to continue to marginalize it for the future.” That is why he reiterated that burying the AVE is vital for our city to “change, improve, eliminate barriers and widen Talavera de la Reina to the other side of the railway line.”

For his part, the deputy spokesperson of the Popular Parliamentary Group of the Cortes of Castile-La Mancha, Santiago Serrano insisted that the issue of burial had already been resolved in 2007, in the protocol signed by all the administrations and that it was up to the Council of Emiliano García-Page to finance this difference in cost.

However, the Socialist Party has voted against funding the burial on several occasions, most recently during the plenary session on 23 May; and Similarly, he rejected the amendments of the Popular Party. that the Council’s budget includes the necessary item to start up this infrastructure.

Serrano therefore assured that if Emiliano García-Page, instead of considering the burial “as a minor and non-priority issue”, really committed to financing it, “this issue would now be beyond doubt”, and The ministry could perfectly take on this infrastructure counting on the burial in the urban area of ​​Talavera, and as it is logical “we would have an AVE infrastructure as the city deserves, underground and without restricting the future development of our city.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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