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In a standoff with political parties, Emmanuel Macron turns to “local elected officials”

In the green room of the Elysée, the days of consultations are taking place and are similar for the leaders of the Les Républicains (LR) party, who did not follow the Alpes-Maritimes MP Eric Ciotti in his alliance with the far right.

On Wednesday 28 August, Emmanuel Macron received the president of the group in the National Assembly, Laurent Wauquiez, his counterpart in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, and the secretary general of the movement, Annie Genevard, at the presidential palace. And for this new round of discussions, the same scenario, the same actors and the same lines as during his first meeting with the Head of State, on Friday 23 August, already in the context of his consultations to find a new Prime Minister.

At the end of the meeting, Laurent Wauquiez did not fail to express his irritation following this exchange, including Bruno Retailleau. “raises the question of utility”. Accuse the Head of State of “postpone”The first one thus painted the portrait of Emmanuel Macron sailing in plain sight and with no prospects to offer to the country’s political forces. “No new position, no real structured project for the French, no vision of what a government programme would be for the coming months.” “, criticised the deputy from Haute-Loire, although he had not made such criticisms after the first meeting, and had forgiven the President of the Republic during his return to politics, on Sunday 25 August, in Mont Mézenc.

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The diatribe concludes the second act of the play directed by Emmanuel Macron. After two days of consultations, on Friday 23 and Monday 26 August, the Head of State decided on the hypothesis of a candidacy of Lucie Castets, candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP), before renewing his call to the right. “The governing political parties must not forget the exceptional circumstances of the election of their deputies in the second round of the legislative elections. This vote obliges them,” He ordered them, in a press release announcing the end of the first phase of consultations.

Now the President of the Republic has his answer that allows him to blame LR for the blockade. “They are the ones who take responsibility for not wanting to participate, even after the hypothesis of a PFN government has been raised”insists an advisor to Emmanuel Macron. For Wauquiez, the blockade is the fault of the Head of State, to whom he reiterated his request for “commit” sure “the legislative pact” which LR proposes to the outgoing majority since July 23, in exchange for their support without participation in a new government. “Since his side lost, the president has not had the role of discussing the roadmap with LR. we replicated at the Elysée. It will be up to the future Prime Minister to do so.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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