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HomeBreaking NewsA Brazilian mayoral candidate was hit with a chair during a debate

A Brazilian mayoral candidate was hit with a chair during a debate

Pablo Marsal (Workers’ Renewal Party), candidate for mayor of Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo, was hit with a chair by his rival José Luis Datena (Social Democratic Party) during a televised debate.

Oku.Az reports on this with reference to iz-ru.

The attack reportedly took place after Marsal, having won the right to ask questions, asked when his opponent would stop “clowning around” and withdraw his candidacy. In response, Datena quickly grabbed a chair, approached the rostrum and hit the speaker on the head. The broadcast of the debates conducted by the “TV Cultura” channel was immediately suspended.

The press reports that the victim was admitted to the Syrian-Lebanese hospital. According to doctors, the mayoral candidate was diagnosed with a fracture and prescribed a CT scan.

Marsal’s lawyer has filed a complaint with the police about the attacker. He also demanded that the next stages of the discussions be held under safe conditions.

A Brazilian mayoral candidate was hit with a chair during a debate

A Brazilian mayoral candidate was hit with a chair during a debate


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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