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Alzórriz asks that they not be blamed for destroying health care in Navarre: “We need proposals”

He Socialist Party of María Chivitewith the complicity of Geroa Bai, has led Navarre to its worst data on health waiting lists in the Regional Community. A record of more than 70,000 people waiting for an appointment that shows how These two parties have destroyed Navarrese health care, one of the jewels in the crown before the left came to power in Navarre.

However, The socialists do not accept criticism and the socialist spokesman, Ramón Alzórrizsaid on Monday that the “sAnidad Doesn’t Need Conflict, Health Care Needs a Political Pact to improve access conditions, particularly for citizens, the health law to which all political groups can contribute, where we must leave the opposition’s criticisms of the proposals that are made and propose proposals that improve the health of our citizens“.

Alzorriz He added that the PSN “tries to help our government and therefore each of the departments.” “We support each of the advisers of the Government of Navarre,” he said.

The socialist spokesman, in statements to the media, defended the proposal “to use new technologies improve the accessibility of artificial intelligence to health centers to improve management in the centers.” “We must use all the means at our disposal to make them available to health“, he said, adding that “it must be complemented by the actions already carried out by pawns or derivations“, among others.

Opposition parties Government of Navarre said this Monday, after the PSN proposed to apply artificial intelligence to manage waiting lists, that different measures are necessary to reduce them and that all that is being done is “little”, “with or without artificial intelligence“.

UPN spokesman Javier Esparza said that “The PSN seems to be inventing things when he leaves the Health portfolio” and indicated that “the person most responsible for what is happening also in the field of Health is the President of the Government.” “Let them lower the lists with or without artificial intelligence, let them lower them as they wish,” he said, to express the opinion that “Obviously this can help to prioritize certain patients“Comptos said that we have a computer system, no longer artificial intelligence, which is obsolete, so before talking about artificial intelligence, we must focus on things that seem simpler,” he added.

Esparza indicated that “surprise” the “fight” between PSN and Geroa Bai, which “clearly shows the lack of coordination that exists on this issue.” “María Chivite, when there is a problem, never shows her face and the less he will give for an advisor who is not from his party,” he said, and defended that, to resolve the lists, a shock plan is developed, to attract professionals, to give greater resolution capacity to primary care.

From the PPN, Javier Garcia He indicated that “the person most responsible for the management of health is the President of the Government” and considered this initiative of the PSN “curious”. “Beyond what the motion itself implies, I think there is a message, which is that the Socialist Party does not trust the management of health issues by Geroa Bai.” “There is a deep and important internal division and we will see how it evolves,” he said, adding that “to date, Ms. Chivite maintains the position of director because of the share of power that Geroa Bai has.”

According to him, to improve waiting lists, “we must first attracting staff because it is important that there are health professionals who wish to come and pursue their professional careers in Navarre.”

For his part, Adolfo Araiz, indicated that “the parliamentary group has the freedom to present the proposals that seem best to them.” “I suppose that within the Government they will be informed of each of the proposals that they make,” he said, to indicate that “everything we do regarding waiting lists is little.” If the use of artificial intelligence is used to solve certain problems, we will see, I do not exclude anything.”

Araiz commented that “It would be pretentious and unfair to say that there is a magic solution. on the issue of waiting lists”, although he argued for “strengthening primary care because this would avoid referrals to specialists”.Another filter would be pathologiestake into account which pathologies are the most disabling for the people concerned, which pathologies are the most affected, which have the greatest impact on health…”.

The spokesperson for Geroa Bai, Pablo Azcona, indicated that they were aware of the PSN initiative when they registered it in Parliament and indicated that “there are three factors that we think are fundamental, beyond the debates that we can have in this Parliament and the proposals that the ministry will obviously listen to, and that they are the great work needed by the professionals of Osasunbideathe new regional health law and the new primary care strategy which is currently being implemented as well as the budgetary ambition.

About the initiative of PSN, said that “all parliamentary groups, not just the PSN“We also know that the ministry’s proposals, and we have examples of them like last spring and early summer, work one hundred percent, they produce results.”

From With you-Zurekin, Miguel Garrido commented on this subject that “the political impetus does not necessarily have to come from the government, but that Parliament can also take initiatives, so it is quite normal that the PSN makes this proposal to integrate artificial intelligence into the management of waiting lists, which we are also sure will have been done in consultation with the Ministry”.

As he said, “This is a reality that worries the three government partners, This is one of the main challenges we face as a Community, that of relaunching the public health system.” And he hoped that the regional health bill “will serve to change or transform the structural reality of the system and allow it to materialize. different.”

THE Vox spokesperson Maite Nosti said that “waiting lists are “excessively long” and criticized the fact that PSN and Geroa Bai “They are sticking together to distract us from this problem.” “They are not providing any solution, the person ultimately responsible for the waiting lists is the President of the Government, who is the one with the power,” he said, stressing that to solve this problem “the first thing is to attract doctors” to Navarre.

As he said, “If there are no doctors, waiting lists cannot be eliminated. and if doctors don’t want to come to Navarre, we have to study why, talk to them and make it attractive to work here.” “It’s not just the money, it’s the working conditions they are subjected to,” he commented, adding that “they are under pressure.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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