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HomeTop StoriesToday, the government approves the democratic regeneration plan initiated by Pedro Sánchez

Today, the government approves the democratic regeneration plan initiated by Pedro Sánchez

The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the PDemocratic Action LANalso known as the regeneration plan, announced a few months ago by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, which aims to achieve greater transparency, independence, pluralism and protection of democracy and which has the media as one of its axes. The government’s partners, the PSOE and Sumar, closed the margins of the text on Monday night.

Sanchez promised to present this plan after the five days of reflection that took place last April to decide if it was worth it continue to lead the executive in the face of the campaign of harassment that he believes exists against him and his family.

A few months later, last July, he presented before the plenary session of the Congress the general lines of this plan while waiting to negotiate the measures with all parliamentary groups (except Vox) in conversations that took place before the August parenthesis and that were led by the coalition government by the Minister of Justice, Presidency and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños and Culture, Ernest Urtasun.

It was this Monday, during a meeting with socialist deputies, senators and European deputies, that he announced that It would be approved by the Council this Tuesday. and said he was convinced that to be supported by the PP because he believes that it would not be understood if he voted against the initiatives he supported in the European Parliament.

Pending concrete measures What it will contain, Sánchez announced in July that it would include the approval of a national open government strategy that involves the presentation of an open public administration law that expands and improves the quantity and quality of government information.

Some lines put forward by the Government

He also argued that the The plan aims to defend media freedom and independence and set as a reference for action in this area the European regulation on freedom of the media approved by the European Parliament. In addition, he defended the establishment of new standards of transparency on ownership, as well as the updating of the Institutional Advertising Act.

In his presentation of the general outlines of the plan, he indicated that it is about preventing there being means that have “more public donors than readers“and parties that buy editorial lines with the money of all taxpayers. To guarantee control and compliance with the measures requested by Brussels, he proposed expanding the functions and capacities of the National Commission for Markets and Competition.

Similarly, he chose to introduce changes in the laws of the right to honor and the right to rectification, as well as a specific reform of the famous as a gag law regarding freedom of expression and this was agreed with Sumar. Among the measures related to Parliament, Sánchez spoke in favor of strengthening sanctions for deputies and senators who do not present their declaration of assets and activities or who do so with false or incomplete information.

He also proposedor a reform of the electoral law make it mandatory to hold debates in the campaigns and to include in all published surveys all data on their implementation and the methodology for estimating the results.




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