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RTVE President Boasts of Putting Begoña Gómez’s “Professional Profile” Before That of the Accused

RTVE interim president, the socialist Cascajosa Designboasted in a parliamentary response to the PP of putting the “professional profile” of Begoña Gomez in her capacity as a defendant in the judicial investigation into the wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for the alleged commission of crimes of influence peddling and corruption in business.

Specifically, based on a publication by the public entity on its website, the Popular Group of Congress asked Cascajosa a written question to find out whether he “had executed the page the same defense on the honor and virtues exposed to the wife of the President of the Government (“expert in marketing and fundraising, maintains a discreet private life”) in the event of false accusations, hoaxes or insidious schemes launched against other people such as the partner or family of the President of the Government Government. Community”.

In this context, according to the response consulted by OKDIARIO, Cascajosa responded that the news published on April 26, 2024 In “limits itself to creating a profile of Begoña Gómez after the complaint filed by the union Clean hands and the decision of the President of the Government to open a reflection period on his continuity at the head of the Executive.

The interim president of RTVE states that “the information contains different allusions from the president of the government to his wife, a professional profile of Begoña Gómez, the denunciation of Hands Cleans, echoes political pressure following this affair and includes several hoaxes published in recent years concerning the president’s wife.

In this sense, Cascajosa emphasizes that “the description that mentions the wife of the President of the Government, indicating that she is ‘marketing and fundraising expert’ and who “maintains a discreet private life”, aims to offer a professional and personal profile based on verifiable and public facts.

“The inclusion of descriptions in the news This is for informational purposes only.intended to provide context and enable a better understanding of the background of the individuals mentioned,” he adds.

However, when published this information, the on April 26thBegoña Gómez had been accused for ten days. April 16the president of the Court of Instruction number 41 of Madrid, the judge Juan Carlos PeinadoWhen he opened the procedure, he had already decided to give the president’s wife the status of a person under investigation, and the April 22 ordered to inform Gómez that he had said qualification. “Without prejudice to the fact that at present the statement of the person under investigation is not subject to agreement, and given that the said procedural condition is attributed to himIt is considered necessary, in order to avoid the impotence prohibited in Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution, that this order be communicated to you, so that, if you deem it appropriate, appoint a lawyer and a solicitor “who represents her, and may be present and intervene, if necessary, in the procedures agreed in this judicial resolution,” the judge said.

less space

This is not the first time that the interim president of Radio Televisión Española has expressed a partial attitude regarding the handling of the judicial investigation into Pedro Sánchez’s wife. In previous sessions, Cascajosa, a member of the PSOE for decades (she resigned when she was appointed president), argued that the morning program The hour of 1, who co-directs Silvia Inxtaurrondo And Marc Salathen devoted less space to the case of Begoña Gómez than to the boyfriend of Isabel Diaz Ayuso because the Madrid president is “active”.

In this case, it was also a parliamentary response to the Popular Party in the Congress of Deputies. A group of PP deputies, led by their spokesperson in the Joint Commission for Parliamentary Control of RTVE and its companies, Eduardo Carazoshowed interest in the coverage provided by the public entity to Begoña Gómez case He addressed the following written question to Cascajosa: “How many hours did you spend the program ETP The hour of 1 broadcast, comment and offer opinions on the news of the prosecutor’s complaint against Díaz Ayuso’s partner and on the attention that the same program has given to the alleged involvement of the wife of the president of the government with actors in the plot of the Koldo/Ábalos affair?they raised the popular.

Without giving a specific comparison of the hours devoted to the two cases, Cascajosa replied: “Both topics were addressed in the program, since both issues were part of the cross accusations “In recent weeks, between the government and the PP, the two peoples have been the subject of a political debate.” Immediately afterwards, the head of RTVE acknowledged that the treatment has not been the same. “The Madrid president Isabel Díaz Ayuso has been more present since He is an active public figure and has continued to make statements about the complaint against his partner,” Cascajosa said.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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