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HomeLatest NewsThe Banco Sabadell Duathlon Cross de las Empresas breaks all records with...

The Banco Sabadell Duathlon Cross de las Empresas breaks all records with more than 600 duathletes

This weekend, the Casa de Campo in Madrid was the scene of the celebration of Cross of Companies Banco Sabadell Duathlona sporting event in which they participated more than 600 duathletes. A way to create stronger alliances between colleagues through sport, beyond the professional framework.

With this very large participation, the event not only exceeded the national average for cross duathlon events by 40%, but also, attracted more riders than the Spanish Championship of the modality itselfconsolidating itself as the duathlon with the greatest participation in Spain.

In the test, in which the enthusiasm and physical preparation of the duathletes were observed, two modalities were proposed: the classic individual competition and a relay categoryin which teams of two members of the same company will alternate between the running and mountain biking segments.

In both categories, participants were able to choose between two levels of difficulty: OPEN Categorydesigned for all audiences, with 3.1 km of running, 10 km of mountain biking and 2.1 km of running; and PRO Categoryaimed at the more experienced, with 6 km of running, 20 km of mountain biking and 4.1 km of running.

At 5pm the test began at the Casa de Campo, with British punctuality and amidst a festive atmosphere and a sunny day, the more than 600 participants began his sporting career with a quick tour along the dirt roads to continue a demanding mountain bike circuit who crossed well-compacted tracks inside the Casa de Campo.

In this test, the individual winner PRO women was Beatriz Molina with a time of 1:45:35; while the male winner was Christian Villazala with a time of 1:16:24.

Bond between colleagues

This event, sponsored by Banco Sabadell and with the support of the Madrid City Council, clearly showed that the interest in sport exists within society and has also demonstrated that sports disciplines have the power and capacity to strengthen ties between colleagues And foster a team environment beyond the workplace.

In this sense, Chema Martinezwho competed in the PRO individual category, crossing the finish line in first place in his category and second overall, highlighted his passion for overcome challenges and also said that in life it is very important to have an attitude and Take full advantage of the challenges.

More than 900 companies and 300,000 people were impacted by the direct communication of this test, positioning it as a reference in the field of sport and business. With this event, Banco Sabadell elevates and expands the Duathlon Cross disciplineconsolidating itself as one of the sponsors most committed to the growth and expansion of this modality in Spain.

Cristina Sánchez, director of the Territorial Center of Organization and People of Banco Sabadellexpressed his satisfaction with the high participation in the Cross of Companies Banco Sabadell Duathlon Duathlon, as he considers that with this type of initiatives “we share values ​​such as effort, improvement, perseverance, teamwork and we share moments outside of work, which “is very important”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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