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HomeLatest NewsOlmedo Mayor Resigns After Being Disqualified for Prevarication in Meseta Ski Case

Olmedo Mayor Resigns After Being Disqualified for Prevarication in Meseta Ski Case

The mayor of Olmedo, Alfonso Centeno, from the municipal group of the PP – a party he left as an activist in March – sent a letter to the residents this evening in which he announced that he was resigning from all his positions for three days after receiving the sentence that disqualified him for 9 years for a crime of embezzlement in the Meseta Ski case.

In the letter that EFE had access to, Centeno addresses his neighbors and tells them that once this letter is published, he will present his resignation as mayor and councilor and adds that he leaves his public responsibilities “with the pride of having served with honor” to his neighbors and to the country.

He indicates that he would have liked to carry out an orderly transition process in the coming weeks coinciding with the date of his retirement from work but, in any case, he assures that his “colleagues of the party of the popular municipal group” – he says verbatim – with Myriam Martín at the helm “They are sufficiently prepared to face responsibly the orientations of the municipality.”

After praising his achievements as mayor, Centeno assures that he never claimed to be “the helmsman, the captain or the ship of a common life project that has always overcome all kinds of difficulties.”

And he adds: “Time and storms have torn the sail and it is time to replace it to continue to win a successful port. Do not be fooled by the songs of the sirens. Trust those who have always worked for and for their people.

The PP of Castilla y León decided last Friday night to exclude from the municipal group of this party in the Consistory the mayor of Olmedo, Alfonso Centeno, when he had already been on leave as a militant since March, and asked him for his mandate as a record councilor, after the same day the sentence that disqualified him for 9 years for a crime of prevarication in the Meseta Ski case was announced.

Centeno, mayor of Olmedo for 28 years, ran again as the PP’s top candidate in the 2023 municipal elections, being subsequently prosecuted by the Court of Instruction 4 in the case known as “Meseta Ski” for possible prevarication on a dry ski slope with additional costs of several million dollars.

Last March, he requested his temporary dismissal as a member so as not to harm his party while he was being tried as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of embezzlement, for his role in authorizing the failure of the Meseta Ski artificial snow ski slopes project, located in the Valladolid municipality of Villavieja del Cerro.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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