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HomeLatest NewsThis beer at 0.30€ is the best in supermarkets

This beer at 0.30€ is the best in supermarkets

Throughout this summer, you will surely have drunk a few cold beers. Maybe experts I do not recommend this drink to hydrate or cool down in the face of high temperatures, but the truth is that there is nothing like the pleasure of feeling the taste of a cold beer when relaxing with friends or simply wanting to enjoy the moment. A beer that, if we choose it well, can turn this experience into a luxury, but What is the best beer you can buy at the supermarket? The OCU is clear And what’s more, it only costs 30 euro cents.

When it comes to choosing a good supermarket beer, More and more people are choosing white label ones. Supermarkets like Mercadona, Lidl or DIA have excellent beers that are also very cheap, but to really know which one is the best of all, nothing like resorting to the experience of the OCU, which has prepared an analysis of the main brands of beer. found in supermarkets, and also includes those that belong to establishments. In this way, we can know if choosing a branded beer will be better than a white label beer, or on the contrary, as they say, the quality of these has improved so much that they can compete without any problem with those of brand. “of life around the world”. Let’s find out below, What is the best beer in supermarkets according to OCU.

The best beer according to the OCU and it only costs €0.30

The truth is that every time we go to a supermarket and pass by the beer aisle, we notice the great variety that exists in this regard. It is no longer just a matter of brands. We cannot forget the different types of beers that exist. Therefore, starting from the premise that consumer preferences, or The ones that sell the most are the Lager type, we can find the one who has higher quality-price ratio according to what the Consumers and Users Organization (OCU) has highlighted.

And one of the things we look at the most when buying our beer is not only the specialty or quality, but also the price. In fact, In recent years, white labels have gained ground over classic brands.if we take into account that many of them are made by large brewing companies, but the price is much cheaper. But from there, we see that every supermarket offers its own white label beer, so which is the best of all?

Most cans of beer found in supermarkets are priced between 30 and 70 cents. However, As the OCU report points out, price and quality do not always go hand in hand.. Sometimes cheap is expensive, and other times, pleasant surprises can be found on the most modest shelves.

OCU ranking of supermarket beer

The OCU got to work and analyzed different brands of beer available in supermarkets. The goal: find out which one is best in terms of value for money. The result of this analysis is, to say the least, surprising.

At the bottom of the table are beers that, although popular, did not get the highest marks in terms of quality. Cruzcampo Pilsen, at a price of 0.72 cents, I got the lowest score cout of 60 points. It is followed by beer Heinekenone of the most popular and also expensive of the study, with a price of 0.76 cents and a quality that the OCU valued with 67 points. Among the least valued are also Steinburg, Alhambra from Mercadona and Saerbrau Dutch from Carrefour.

Eroski Aurum is the beer with the best value for money

But let’s get to the point, because if there is one beer that has caught everyone’s attention, it is the Aurum by Eroski. With an unbeatable price of 0.30 centsThis blond beer has not only gained recognition from the OCU, which awarded it 70 points in your ranking, but also the affection of consumers who already knew it.

Aurum Beer.

Aurum is not only affordable, but has also been recommended several times on social media for its great taste. In fact, in the Eroski online store, all the reviews agree that it is delicious and that it is the best of all. In this way, it becomes the perfect option for those looking for a beer that is not only affordable, but also offers a quality experience. So, in a market saturated with options, Aurum stands out as the undisputed champion of value for money, proving that it is not always necessary to spend a fortune to enjoy a good beer.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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