Friday, September 20, 2024 - 10:12 pm


Full-time undergraduate students have experience in their specialty by the end of the 4th year and part-time students by the end of the 5th year.

There is one exception to this rule: students with at least one year of work experience must be exempt from the internship. However, some universities do not take this rule into account.

Regarding the topic at hand Oku.Azhas received a complaint. The student states that he requested an experience exemption based on 15 years of work experience. According to the student applicant, the university responded that he had to do an internship, and even if he was exempt from the internship, he had to pay for the internship credit.

But I wonder how true it is to pay for an experience that is not approved or rejected?

The press service of the Ministry of Science and Education on the subject Oku.AzHe answered the question as follows:

“According to paragraph 3.12 of the “RULE on internship for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 30, 2023 No. based on the opinion of the department ( commission for unification of disciplines), recognized as experience by the experience commission established in accordance with paragraph 3.17.1 of these Regulations (taking into account the characteristics of personnel training in individual specialties and the requirements of these Regulations, creates experience commissions and approves their composition) In this case, each working week is equal to 1.5 credits.

In response to the question of requiring payment for uncompleted experience in the event of exemption from experience, the ministry gave the following response:

4.6 of the “Rules for the organization of teaching on the credit system at the undergraduate and graduate levels of higher educational institutions, basic (higher basic) medical education and at the graduate level of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan”, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 348 dated December 24, 2013 According to paragraph 1, a student admitted to a higher educational institution on a full-time basis has the right to study full-time or part-time. The annual tuition fee for a “full-time” student) during the normative education period is determined depending on the academic year, and for a student partially engaged in education (“part-time”), it is determined according to the credits for the subjects studied in accordance with the individual study schedule in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.3 of these Regulations.

It was added that, according to current legislation, diplomas can only be awarded to those who have accumulated all the credits provided for in the curriculum:

“If the student has not accumulated all the credits, it is not possible to award the diploma.”

Education expert Goshgar Maharramov Speaking on the subject, he pointed out that the experience at universities is like compulsory lessons:

“That is to say, the student must definitely pass that internship program. Maybe a student is 35 years old and has been serving in various roles in the field of his bachelor’s degree for many years, but he still has to pass that internship. Because this is a requirement Even if this requirement does not exist, it should exist. That the university does not and cannot control a person’s 15 years of experience. However, the university controls the internship program and implements a workplace internship program that keeps up with the times as much as possible.

He stressed that if the university organizes an experience, students should definitely value it and should not miss the opportunity:

“The student’s previous experiences may play an auxiliary role here. The university’s internship program does not replace the student’s credits. The student’s previous work experiences are not experiences acquired under the supervision of the university, so they cannot be used as a basis for loan exemption.

The student will have to pay for the services received. However, the university cannot demand services that were not received. This step is not correct in terms of economic relations.”

Maharram Aliyev


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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