Friday, September 20, 2024 - 12:52 pm
HomeThe US again spoke of “genocide in Gaza” and criticized the actions...

The US again spoke of “genocide in Gaza” and criticized the actions of the IDF

The United States is demanding that Israel make significant changes to the IDF’s instructions. This was stated by US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield in a briefing at the US Security Council. At the same time, Greenfield condemned Hamas’ actions in the Gaza Strip and called its actions towards ordinary residents “criminal.” However, she also criticized the IDF, saying that “adjustments” were needed to the actions of the Israeli army.

“The situation in the sector remains catastrophic. Children are dying, suffering from preventable diseases, not going to school and thousands have lost parents and loved ones,” said Thomas-Greenfield.

She also noted that humanitarian and UN workers have been killed or injured in attacks in recent weeks. Linda Thomas-Greenfield noted that most of the deaths and injuries could have been prevented.

“We have clearly stated to Israel on numerous occasions that there is no reason to open fire on vehicles with UN markings, and we are talking about numerous cases. The IDF is a professional army and knows how to prevent incidents of this kind. We demand significant changes to the IDF’s format of actions and its rules,” the Security Council spokeswoman said.

Previously, Kursor reported that some terrorists were treated in Israeli hospitals. However, this was not done for a reason: most of the terrorists, dressed in the uniforms of IDF soldiers, returned to the tunnels in the Gaza Strip and took out the hostages. Also during the media investigation it was revealed that some commanders in the Gaza Strip used local residents to inspect mined tunnels and houses.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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