Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 10:43 pm
HomeBreaking News"I don't go to Moncloa to have a coffee"

“I don’t go to Moncloa to have a coffee”

THE President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayusoput a red line on the possibility of meeting the The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in the bilateral meetings that the Head of the Executive conducts with the different regions.

The leader of the Madrid Popular Party assured that she would not go to “have a coffee” with Sánchez if there is no prior agenda. She confirmed (and reiterated) that it is a “fundamental” thing that she does every time she meets with an authority. Therefore, he considers it “logical” that there is a agenda during your appointment.

During an interview on the program The critical look of Telecinco, Ayuso affirmed, as on other occasions, that he distrusted the format of “bilateral meetings” that Sánchez began to propose.

“First he infiltrates the Catalan treasury fraud and then he normalises it with bilateral meetings, blurring the role of the PP and its territorial strength. All this, with the sole objective of dividing us,” he summed up.

It should be recalled that a few weeks ago, Ayuso had urged his party counterparts not to sit in Parliament. Bilateral meetings with SanchezAll eyes are on what the president will do.

But Ayuso continues to leave the possibility of ending up in the air. “It depends”, “I haven’t thought about what I would say to him,” “I still don’t know”; these are some of the president’s answers.

media plan

In another order of things, Ayuso also rejected the “media plan” which Pedro Sanchez and your government will approve it this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers.

“The same day it was published, we learned that the PSOE was preparing dossiers to try to discredit judges, the media and journalists,” the president explained.

According to him, the whole project “democratic regeneration”is an “inversion of the truth” that stems from the government’s lack of a political project and its inability to implement budgets and laws.

“While last week we presented 95 measures in Parliament, “They are not even able to obtain budgets and if their only argument is that the right does not govern, it becomes smaller and, then, it needs more wood… And then they will put us in later debates,” he retorted.




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