Monday, September 23, 2024 - 10:45 am
HomeEntertainment NewsThe role of lawyer William Bourdon in question.

The role of lawyer William Bourdon in question.

The judicial investigation into foreign interference opened following the “Story Killers” project continues. Several interrogations by the investigating judges in charge of the case, opened in early 2023 following the revelations of the “Story Killers” project, are scheduled for the end of September. WorldForbidden Stories and an international media consortium behind the scenes of international smear and influence campaigns.

Investigators are still far from having unraveled all the threads of a case that a judicial source describes as “lanky”. While the investigation brought to light clues linked to Kazakhstan, Sudan and Cameroon, Qatari influence is today the most important part of this vast file of interference. According to information from WorldThe emirate is now suspected of having financed several campaigns against senior figures in the Saudi and Emirati regimes, rivals of Qatar, with the support of the French judicial system.

The investigation focuses in particular on a complaint of “torture” filed against Saudi General Ahmed Al-Assiri, in connection with the murder of former columnist and opposition figure Jamal Khashoggi, as well as complaints against Emirati General Ahmed Al-Raisi, who was expected to take over as Interpol president, for “torture” and “barbaric acts” against Emirati poet Ahmed Mansour.

Two angel funders

These complaints were filed in Paris between April 2021 and January 2022 on behalf of the NGO Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) by French criminal lawyer Guillermo Bourdon. “We met with Mr. Bourdon in March 2021 and provided him with information on the situation of our colleague Ahmed Mansour and information on the torture and murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.explains Khalid Ibrahim, Executive Director of GCHR. He put a lot of energy into these two files. We didn’t pay him anything: he acted pro bono. [bénévolement]. »

Actually, Bourdon, known in particular for his involvement in “ill-gotten gains” and human rights issues, was paid on this occasion by Islamologist Nabil Ennasri and lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion, both of whom are being investigated for “corruption” and “influence peddling” for their alleged role in pro-Qatar influence operations. HE Parisian AND Release mentioned in October 2023 a sum of 20,000 euros received in cash by Mmy Bourdon for these procedures. Elements consulted by the world, including a note written by Mr. Ennasri on his cell phone, clearly suggests a payment « total of 20 [000 euros] for the Mansour operation » intended for the lawyer, designated in the terms “William”, “Bumblebee”or even ” Bee “. But The document found by investigators also mentions a payment for the complaint against Saudi General Al-Assiri: “2, 5 April [000 euros] were handed over as a deposit on Bourdon Al-Asiri’s complaint.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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