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Jucil requests three years in prison for assault against the six accused of the attack on 4 civil guards in Valmojado

The association considers that this type of violent act “must be subject to exemplary punishment to guarantee the protection of the civil guards.”

Capture of the video in which the attacks are seen ABC


Updated at 10:53 a.m.

The professional association Justice of the Civil Guard (Jucil), which is a private prosecutor in the trial for the attack on four Civil Guard agents in a home in Valmojado on September 9, 2023, is requesting three-year prison sentences as perpetrators of a crime of aggression for the six defendants. “A sanction that, for five of the defendants, exceeds the requests of the prosecution,” Jucil emphasizes.

In the trial, which will be held this Wednesday, the People’s Prosecutor’s Office is requesting a two-year prison sentence for one of the accused, for whom it is also requesting a four-year sentence for aggravated injury. Jucil is requesting three years in prison for this person involved in the attack and three others for aggravated injury.

“But unlike the prosecution, which is asking for two years in prison for the rest, the professional association is asking for a three-year prison sentence,” Jucil points out. He considers that these types of acts of violence “must be subject to exemplary sanctions to guarantee the protection of the civil guards, who are often victims of aggression in the exercise of their work.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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