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Azerbaijan is once again the target of the West: “They are using Armenians as a tool to achieve their goal”

“The results of the 44-day Patriotic War have shaken the political strata of the world powers and the plans of the West, especially the United States of America, in the South Caucasus have been turned upside down. In this regard, the West wants to regroup and launch a counterattack against Azerbaijan.”

This Oku.Azpolitical commentator in his statement Azad Masiyev saying.

According to him, Western circles consider all means acceptable to achieve their goals:

“From this point of view, their biased statement and behavior towards Azerbaijan is not surprising. What fair step have we seen from the West so far that we will see in the future? When the territories of Azerbaijan were occupied by the armed forces of Armenia, there were four UN resolutions, according to those documents, Armenians had to leave the territories of Azerbaijan. For this purpose the OSCE Minsk Group was created. But not only the UN, the OSCE and all institutions of Europe turned a blind eye to the Armenian occupation, it would be naive to expect any kind of justice from the West.”

“In general, the political position of the West is a danger to humanity, because this position acts against humanity. In the First and Second World Wars, in fact, in the “third world war” that is currently taking place in Eastern Europe, millions of people were killed in Ukraine. The cause of this is the West, because, like other conflicts, the war between Russia and Ukraine is being instigated by the West. That is, humanity is suffering from the policy of the West. The policy against Azerbaijan does not conform to any legal norms,” ​​the analyst stressed.

According to our interviewer’s conclusion, one of the main reasons for the increase in biased Western behavior towards Azerbaijan is related to the fact that our country hosted COP29:

“COP29 is an international event. Azerbaijan wants to contribute to humanity by holding this event at a high level. At the same time, holding this event at a high level will increase Azerbaijan’s reputation in the international world. Of course, this is not in the West’s wish – the South Caucasus will become a tool in the hands of the United States and use these countries to achieve its goals. We have seen the serious consequences of becoming a tool in the hands of great powers. That is why Azerbaijan is following its own path and living peacefully with its neighbors on the principle of balancing its political interests with both the East and the West, both the North and the South.

At the same time, Azerbaijan is taking steps towards establishing the Turanian Union within the context of the Organization of Turkic States in order to move from a regional power to a global power. Finally, the creation of a common Turkic alphabet is a clear proof of this. That is, if we do not unite under the umbrella of “One Nation, One Alliance,” it will be a little difficult for us to resist the pressure of the West. Because the West pursues a more aggressive policy and its behavior does not conform to international legal norms and human rights. They only want to speak the language of power. Therefore, we must gain political power, and to gain this power it is necessary to create the Turanian Union, in which Turkey and Azerbaijan play the role of a locomotive.”

“The West only applies the philosophy of ‘divide and rule’. To achieve this goal, they use the Armenians as a tool to create chaos in the South Caucasus and implement their policies in this context. I believe that such behavior will not bring success to the West in particular, this brutal policy of the West is condemned by the international world. Azerbaijan is committed to its strategy and is interested in bilateral cooperation with a number of Western countries. It has taken over the energy security of 10 European countries and has successfully implemented its work in this field. Recently, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham AliyevParticipation in the International Forum on Chernobyl in Italy and the declaration of our country’s position once again demonstrate that Azerbaijan will not retreat from its right path,” Mesiyev concluded.

Political commentator Tural Ismayilov while Oku.AzIn his statement he claimed that the neo-imperialist circles of the West have signed dangerous plans:

“Western imperialists, who are constantly trying to realize their colorful revolutionary scenarios in different geographies, are now trying to interfere in Azerbaijan’s internal affairs. As a result of Azerbaijan’s strong resistance to such scenarios, the weakening of the activities of these agents of networks has once again moved Western circles to form new coalitions and networks against our country.”

“We clearly see that there is serious dissatisfaction with the West’s positions in the region. Firstly, USAID doubled the amount of financial aid allocated to Armenia, the inaccurate position regarding Azerbaijan, against the background of all these events, fake diplomats in the person of PACE and his deputy Frank Schwabe entered our country conducting disinformation campaigns against it, and at the same time, the ambassadors of Sweden, Estonia and Latvia received the relatives of people involved in the investigation for specific criminal acts. Azerbaijan is clearly interfering in the internal affairs of our country and this is a very serious problem,” the commentator stressed.

Our interviewer also pointed out that the rights of Russian and Slavic communities in the Baltic countries were partially violated and that Islamophobic activities were encouraged by the government’s cover-up of the person who burned the Koran in Sweden:

“All this shows that there are very serious cracks within the West and its political structures. However, despite the West’s unacceptable policy of intolerance and xenophobia, Azerbaijan is one of the countries where multiculturalism, interfaith dialogue and humanism are best practiced, and this is an example for the whole world. Interference by countries where discrimination has reached a high level in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan and accusatory statements are one of the next manifestations of the double-standard policy of Western imperialism.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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