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HomeBreaking News150 people benefit from Veysaloglu higher education support projects

150 people benefit from Veysaloglu higher education support projects

Veysaloğlu Group of Companies (VSG) successfully continues its contribution to supporting education in two directions (up to and during higher education).

Thus, the Group’s companies joined the “Build Your Future” project in the first direction. It should be noted that the project has been implemented by Azerbaijan’s Respu since 2014.

Veysaloğlu Group of Companies (VSG) successfully continues its contribution to supporting education in two directions (up to and during higher education).

On this occasion, the group’s companies joined the “Build your future” project in the first direction.

The main objective of the project is to support and contribute to the success of highly knowledgeable and skilled young people from low-income families and thereby bring healthy young people with high intelligence and ethical values ​​into Azerbaijani society. Within the framework of the project, activities are carried out in the following directions:

-Intensive preparation for higher education;

– Psychological support;

-Measures aimed at youth development;

-Mentor support;

-Selection of specialties and other jobs.

The group’s sponsorship also achieved successful results in the second area of ​​support for education. Each of the 16 applicants preparing for higher education institutions this year received a student’s degree. Currently, with the support of the group’s companies, the preparation process for 43 applicants is successfully continuing. Within the framework of the “Build Your Future” project, the group’s companies have provided the conditions for 92 young people to receive higher education. The group of companies intends to continue this project in the coming years.

Veysaloglu Group of Companies successfully continues its support for education within the company. As every year, the companies of the group continue a similar tradition in the 2023-2024 academic year. The group awarded scholarships to the children of 101 employees who entered university this year. The group of companies plans to expand and continue this corporate social responsibility activity during the next academic year.

Currently, 150 people benefit from the group’s higher education support projects.

The group of companies, which is preparing to celebrate its 30th anniversary, is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in Azerbaijan’s non-oil sector and makes significant contributions to the country’s economy. The group of companies specializing in the FMCG sector includes companies providing services in distribution, manufacturing and retail activities.

It should be noted that the Project has been implemented since 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and within the framework of corporate social responsibility policies of several companies. So far, about 1,500 young people and their families have benefited from the project.

It is supported by the Ministry of Science and Education and is implemented within the framework of the corporate social responsibility policies of various companies. To date, nearly 1,500 young people and their families have benefited from the Project.

The main objective of the project is to support and contribute to the success of highly knowledgeable and skilled young people from low-income families and thereby bring healthy young people with high intelligence and ethical values ​​into Azerbaijani society. Within the framework of the project, activities are carried out in the following directions:

– Intensive preparation for higher education.

– Psychological support

-Measures aimed at youth development

-Mentor support

-Selection of specialties and other jobs.

The Group’s sponsorship also achieved successful results in the second area of ​​support for education. Each of the 16 applicants preparing for higher education institutions this year received a student’s degree. Currently, with the support of the Group’s companies, the preparation process for 43 applicants is successfully continuing. Within the framework of the “Build Your Future” project, the Group’s companies have provided the conditions for 92 young people to receive higher education. The Group intends to continue this project in the coming years.

Veysaloglu Group of Companies successfully continues its support for education within the company. As every year, the Group’s companies continue a similar tradition in the 2023-2024 academic year. The Group awarded scholarships to the children of 101 employees who entered university this year. The Group of Companies plans to expand and continue this corporate social responsibility activity in the next academic year.

Currently, 150 people benefit from the Group of Companies’ higher education support projects.

The Group of Companies, which is preparing to celebrate its 30th anniversary, is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan and makes significant contributions to the country’s economy. The Group of Companies, which specializes in the consumer goods sector, includes companies providing services in distribution, manufacturing and retail activities.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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