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Teresa Ribera, the future Vice-President for Competition and Green Transition of the European Commission

Therese Riberafuture Vice-President of Competition and Green Transitioncomes from the branch of law. He graduated in this field in 1992 Complutense University of Madrid. She also holds a degree in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies in Madrid. He speaks English and French.

Daughter of a woman who graduated in Philosophy and a renowned geriatrician; Ribera grew up in Madrid in the 70s, in a big family. A few years later, he has his own. big family (three daughters) and is a PSOE candidate in the European elections. Her husband is Mariano Bacigalupo, advisor to the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC).

Little is known about his hobbies. But, from the content he posts on social media, it seems that he is more mountain than beach. Last summer he was on tour at Pyrenees. “A great pleasure to have been able to enjoy for a few days the freshness of the valleys, rivers and lakes, the forests and beech groves, and the architectural and Romanesque treasures of the Aran Valley, Boí and Taüll and the Aigües Tortes National Park,” he shared on his account on the social network X.

But the mountain is your option for also disconnect from Madrid on weekends. “Luxury Saturday! Morning getaway to the Sierra de #Guadarrama and walking from the port of #Navafria to #PuertoLinera via La Horizontal. #ParquesNacionales,” she posted in July 2019. The vice president is also reportedly known in her inner circle for her culinary skills, Vanity Fair reports.

From the Higher Body of Civil Administrators to the Executive

Beyond hiking and cooking, Ribera has published many popular articles about climate change. In fact, most of his career is linked to this fight. But the first steps were taken in the Higher Corps of Civil Administrators of the State. He joined at the age of 27. He also gave courses at Autonomous University of Madrid. In the following years, he began to take on different responsibilities. In 2008, it was Director of the Spanish Office for Climate Change and in 2008 the Secretary of State for Climate Change.

In 2014 He resigned from the management of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and, four years later, Pedro Sanchez He chose her to chair the Ministry of Ecological Transition. In 2020, he gave her more weight within the Executive with the departure of Pablo Iglesias and made her the fourth vice-president.

During his political period, Ribera left his mark on the 2015 Paris Agreement and in the organization of the COP25 in Madrid, after its cancellation in Chile. She was there, precisely, at the COP of 2019. In recent years, the Ministry of Ecological Transition that she chairs has promoted the national strategy for ecological transition. wolf protection or the commitment to provide Mar Menor with legal personality for environmental protection, among others.

In fact, with their election, the socialists ensured that they ratified “their commits to leading the energy transition in Europe,” citing notable events of his administration such as the so-called “Iberian exception“To stop the rise in energy prices, the approval of the first Climate Change Act in Spain, the electricity market reform agreed during the Spanish EU presidency or its role in the Dubai Climate Summit reach an agreement on fossil fuels.

Ribera’s priorities for Europe

Therese Ribera bet on the achievement of the strategic autonomy of Europe with the ecological transition. This point considers that it is necessary to be aware of a “reduction in the demand for imported fossil fuels” because “free up resources which allow us to allocate them to innovation, requalification, quality of employment and productivity because they are less intensive in the consumption of these materials bonuses”.

In this sense, Ribera urges the social dialogue so that the transformation process. Likewise, he stressed that “the industry is called to decarbonize“while agriculture and other sectors are facing great climate challenges. Along the way, he stressed the importance of serving territories that were almost in a carbon “monoculture” regime, which requires “being there, working with people and knowing what the aspirations are.” are, the expectations, the way in which one understands what the future can be.




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