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Vivas warns of “humanitarian emergency” and insists that the solution to migratory pressure is through a state pact

The President of Ceuta, Juan Jesus Vivasstressed once again the “unsustainable” situation in which they find themselves due to the continuous arrival of migrantsThe “popular” recognized that the situation of the reception of unaccompanied minors is “a real humanitarian emergency.”

In an interview with ‘RNE’, Vivas explained that in August alone “300 minors” entered, stressing that so far this year the figure for 2023 has been multiplied “by six”.

This is why he once again insisted on the need to reach an institutional agreement between the government and the autonomous communities, specifying that this is necessary ““a political agreement between the PSOE and the PP”stressing that this is a matter of state. “We must be able to react and value constitutional principles,” he insisted.

Vivas argued that Spain should to have a “unique voice” in Europespecifying that the EU must also get involved in this matter. “The first thing is to put out the fire that we have in Ceuta and the Canary Islands,” he said, explaining that it is necessary to simultaneously open a “negotiation process to establish the bases for a stable and structural response.”

A moment which he took advantage of to clarify that this is a question which This affects all of Spain and Europe. He President of Ceuta stressed that in this negotiation process, the diversion of migrants must be taken into account. However, he indicated that this should not be the only measure considered. “We must expand the reception capacity and provide the necessary budgets to sustain the reception and protection system,” he said.

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of having a “a long-term vision” on this subject, stressing that the involvement of Europe in the development of the countries of origin is necessary because “it is a migration for economic reasons”. Vivas recalled that if people decide to dare to carry out these dangerous passages This is because they are in a “desperate situation”, making it clear that any collaboration that serves to improve their situation “is positive”.

Vivas warns: “The next receptions will be absolutely precarious”

The president of Ceuta admitted that they are in a situation of “agitation and sadness”, assuring that at this time they have “exhausted their reception capacities”. He therefore stressed that the next ones to be carried out will be in “absolute precariousness” because “there are no more resources”.

“We have economic difficulties to maintain the service for the more than 500 minors that there are currently. The number of migrants per 1,000 inhabitants in Ceuta is six, in the rest of Spain it is 0.01,” he explained, stressing that this is a true reflection of the “disproportion that exists.”

“It’s like If there were 300,000 migrants unaccompanied in Spain, imagine what the reaction would be in Spanish society. In Ceuta we are used to suffering these shocks, we are mature and united, but they cannot be constant,” he stressed.

Vivas thus indicated that currently in Ceuta there is no other option than to establish “emergency resources”, but always in conditions of dignity.




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