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HomeTop StoriesMañueco challenges Vox in search of budget support and reactivates social dialogue

Mañueco challenges Vox in search of budget support and reactivates social dialogue

The president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, challenges Vox in the middle of negotiations to support the 2025 budget and guarantees employers and unions the model of social dialogue that his former government partner has blown up in the last two years. Social agents are optimistic: “We must recover the lost spaces.”

The smiles of the regional leaders of CEOE, UGT and CC.OO. When they appeared before the media, they foreshadowed the “euphoria” and “optimism” that they openly demonstrated shortly after the meeting with the President of the Government of Castile and León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, to recover and “promote” social dialogue. . that Vox “destroyed” during his two years as a government partner.

The meeting comes as popular parties must negotiate parliamentary support for approval of next year’s budget and The presence of the Abascal formation could be key since the minority formations are insufficient and the PSOE votes are inaccessible from a realistic political point of view.

With this meeting, Mañueco made it clear that he was willing to govern without ties and that he would not abandon his political approaches to obtain votes for next year’s accounts. And ending social dialogue has been one of Vox’s obsessions during the government coalition. In fact, Abascal’s formation was presented yesterday in Parliament, a few hours before the meeting between the President of the Council and the employers and unions, an initiative to reduce subsidies to social workersretracing their careers when they held the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Tourism.

What opens today is “a new period to recover the spaces lost in these two years in which the dialogue on labor issues was destroyed,” said the secretary of the CC.OO. Vicente Andrés. He and his counterpart from the UGT, Faustino Temprano, affirmed that the dialogue and the signing of agreements with the PP ministries during these two years have been fluid. In fact, some of the last to materialize will be signed on September 27.

The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Employment, Leticia García, stressed that this meeting between employers, unions and the president demonstrated the Mañueco government’s willingness to “build bridges”. “In times of polarization like the ones we are experiencing, “Castile and Leon wants to show that agreements can be reached”.

At the meeting, it was clear that the model “praised by the ILO”, in the words of the president of the COE Castilla y León, Santiago Aparicio, would continue the same, that is, the subsidies eliminated by Vox would be recovered – “the necessary resources will be dedicated”, said the advisor – and the exclusivity of the current actors in the negotiations will be maintained.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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