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In hospitals, more than a third of professional positions do not have a permanent position

This is one of the signs of the hospital crisis: there is still a shortage of hospital professionals in the services, year after year, with many posts without incumbents. But how many exactly? While the National Management Centre (CNG), the ministerial body responsible for the skills and career of professionals, has not mentioned this census in its official documents for two years, the National Union of Hospital Anaesthetists-Extended Resuscitation Practitioners (SNPHAR-E) itself obtained and aggregated this data, in 1Ahem January 2024.

According to their calculations, 35% of the posts are still unoccupied by a full-time doctor (full-time and part-time combined). A figure that has stabilised compared to the previous year, after a deterioration This has continued for the past fifteen years. In 2008, these vacant posts represented 20% of vacant posts in hospitals. Some specialties are more affected by the disaffection, such as psychiatry, which sees its situation worsen even more, with 52% of posts occupied in 2024, compared to almost 75% ten years ago.

“The promised “attractiveness shock” did not occur”

“The trend remains extremely alarming”This is supported by the anaesthetist Anne Geffroy-Wernet, president of SNPHAR-E, although she recognises the limits of this quantification. Vacant posts are partly filled by contracted professionals. This is the argument used by the CNG to refuse to publish statistics on the subject, although it does not have data on subcontracted workers. In July, in its annual report, it reported 48,552 hospital doctors in practice on 1Ahem January 2024, a figure that has increased by 13.5% in the last decade. “Contract workers are necessary, but having too many destabilizes hospitals that need stable teams”Dr. Geffroy-Wernet stresses.

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Another limitation: vacancies also depend on the positions that hospitals decide to open, depending on establishment strategies or budgetary difficulties, we explained to SNPHAR-E. “But in any case we can clearly see that the promised ‘attractiveness shock’ has not occurred.” supports Anne Geffroy-Wernet. Her union has been deploring for months that negotiations with the government on the attractiveness of the profession are not making progress, while neither the Ségur de la santé plan (2020) nor the more technical reform of the hospital doctor’s statute, implemented since 2022, have reversed the trend.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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