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“Embracing the most xenophobic theses of the extreme right”

Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares charged the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Wednesday, accusing him of “embrace the most xenophobic theses of the extreme right“This is what he pointed out in reference to a message in X of the ‘popular’, where said Pedro Sánchez is promoting a “call effect” with their proposals from Africa.

Feijóo argued that “it is irresponsible to encourage a call effect in the worst irregular migration crisis,” referring to Government plans to tackle immigration drama. “Instead of going to Africa to fight the mafias, Sánchez promotes Spain as a destination“, he assured, adding that he was doing so “in contrast to the rest of the EU”.

“Whoever comes, contract in origin and letter of respect for our laws“, Feijóo said. To this, Minister Albares, in an interview with Time of 1 (TVE), assured to have seen the tweet of the “popular” president and estimated that “embraces the most xenophobic theses of the extreme right“.

In the same vein, the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, assured that “Feijóo arrived saying that was moderate and that I was not going to do politics with a tweet”: “I remind you.” And, in a harsh tone, he described the tweet as “moral turpitude, which cannot be allowed on the part of the leader of the opposition.” “This is not shared by the militancy of the PP and by Spanish society, which is above this baseness,” he said, adding that trying to “defeat the extreme right” with a message “of extreme inhumanity“.

“I hope he repents and deletes his account,” said Rodriguez, who accuses him of being ““use people’s pain”“Migrants are people moved by wars. They are human beings like us. This humanist perspective cannot be lost,” the minister concluded.

Albares asks you to “at least support your own” with the immigration law

On the other hand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has once again requested support for the immigration law to avoid a collapse in the Canary Islands and in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as a greater tragedy for unaccompanied minors. “The government has a proposal on the table that has not been presented for one reason, because the PP, out of enormous irresponsibility and also out of absolute lack of humanity, He didn’t want there to be a consensus for what should be a state policy,” Albares defended.

Likewise, he sent a message to those of the PP following the requests of the presidents of the Canary Islands and Ceuta Fernando Clavijo and Juan Jesús Vivas, respectively. “I would tell them that if they do not want to support the Government, at least they support their own. To the PP government of Ceuta or the Canary Islands,” he concluded.

Therefore, the fact that the PP does not support the Government’s solution, supported by said presidents, “seems to them a lack of responsibility and absolute humanity on the part of the PP. “These miners would have an easy, simple and quick solution.” that the government has put on the table. PP runs after Vox in an alarmist and xenophobic speech and this is trying to divide Spanish society,” he stressed.




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