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HomeLatest NewsThe collaborators of 'Ni que fueramos' react live to the news

The collaborators of ‘Ni que fueramos’ react live to the news

To talk about Jimmy Giménez-Arnau is to talk about one of the journalists and television collaborators who spent the most hours in front of the cameras, be save me and its edition Luxurytwo of the programs he has collaborated on the most in recent years, so much so that he was one of those who were in the first program which was broadcast at night on Telecinco, before moving to the afternoon. That is why the news of his death was a hard blow for the collaborators of Not even if we werewhat they discovered directly. David Valldeperas, director of the program broadcast on Ten TV and on platforms such as YouTube and Twitch, stopped everything to announce it, knowing that it would leave those present very affected. María Patiño, Lydia Lozano, Kiko Hernández and Belén Esteban could not hide their emotion, but it was His great friend Kiko Matamoros had the worst time, so much so that he went so far as to say that it was going to be “very difficult” to continue in front of the cameras.even if he managed to hang on to pay a nice tribute to his friend.

His connection with the program was very great, even if he was not a regular collaborator in this new stage. Without going any further, appeared in the promo that the whole team recorded to announce their return to a project like Canal Quickie. With his characteristic humor, Jimmy appeared surrounded by characters of all kinds in a bus that picked up all the collaborators before going to his new set, very close to the Mediaset facilities. The writer and columnist of OKDIARIO shared his journey with celebrities of all kinds such as Yola Berrocal, Malena Gracia and Loli Álvarez, but He left his inimitable mark by saying that he would like to “die live” in this new program..

Jimmy Giménez-Arnau wanted to appear in the first promo of the premiere of “Ni que fuerámos shhh” (YouTube).

News in development.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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