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Two of the cheapest supermarkets in Spain are Córdoba: what are they and where are they?

The OCU has published its usual annual report on the cost of shopping in Spanish supermarkets. In the city of Córdoba, the podium is occupied by three establishments of the Cordovan brand DEZA. To prepare it, this consumer organization visited 1,070 establishments in 65 Spanish cities – all provincial capitals and other large municipalities. The ranking is established with a typical basket. It includes the prices of 238 products, as OCU explains, “from both major manufacturer brands and private labels. This includes fresh food, packaged food, beverages, cleaning products, pharmacies and hygiene. Related news Standard economy Yes The supermarket companies of Córdoba are investing heavily in new logistics centers. Baltasar López Deza will invest seven million and Alsara will dedicate three to expand the storage they have. of the prices it collects, it prepares an index for each establishment analyzed, with the aim of being able to “easily and quickly compare” what it costs to make purchases in some supermarkets and others. The cheapest store or chain receives the base index 100 – an establishment in Barcelona – and the other indices are calculated in relation to said base one hundred. That is to say, an establishment that appears with an indicator of 110 means that it is “10% more expensive than the cheapest for this basket”. The cheapest supermarkets In the case of the capital, the leadership is exercised by the supercash Deza, of Imprenta de la Alborada, with an index of 112. It is flanked in the best positions by two other supermarkets of this Cordovan chain: those of Ronda del Marrubial (114) and José María Martorell (also 114). The next three stores, in the ranking of the cheapest, belong to another local brand. : Más Ahorro, which is the most economical brand of Grupo Piedra. These are the supermarkets Doña Berenguela (115); Alonso El Sabio (116) and Platero Pedro de Bares (same data as the previous one). Behind these are the Cash Fresh establishments on Isla Malante (117); More and more of Camino de los Sastres (117); Supeco (El Arcángel shopping center), with 117; Mercadona on Avenida de Libia (121); More of Ronda de los Tejares (122); Stone of Mary the Jewess (122); Carrefour on the Madrid motorway (Zahira), with 123; Stone of Cristo de Gracia Square (125); and DIA on Sevilla Street (127). The average purchase price in Córdoba. The least economical are the Covirán establishment on the Palma del Río motorway (131); the Hipercor supermarket (138) and the El Corte Inglés establishment in Ronda de los Tejares (140) are the cities where the standard basket produced by the OCU is on average cheaper, with an index of 120 in both cities. Córdoba is placed at the bottom of the table, with 122. The report recalls that our capital loses the status of the cheapest capital or large city in the country, as always on average, which it held in 2023. Two chains in Córdoba, among the cheapest To all this, it must be added that two chains in Córdoba are among the five cheapest in the country. The third position is occupied by Deza, where the aforementioned purchase of the OCU basket costs 5,658 euros per year. Fifth place goes to Más Ahorro, from Piedra, where the same outlay amounts to 5,717 euros. The cheapest is Dani (with operations in Granada, Jaén, Almería and Málaga), with 5,582.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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