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“The automotive industry is seriously threatened by the lack of flexibility in climate policies”

The MEP of the Popular Party and until three months ago lawyer of the “popular” in the Cortes of Castilla y León, Raul de la Hoz, made his debut this Tuesday in the plenary session of the European Parliament with “a firm defence of the reindustrialisation of Europe and the competitiveness of strategic sectors such as the automobile sector, key to the economy” of the Community.

In his speech, De la Hoz stressed that the Popular Party shares the lines of the report of the former president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, on European competitiveness and stressed the urgency to act: “It is necessary to act, to take action and changing our political prioritiesby putting first those who allow us to regain competitiveness and begin the necessary process of reindustrialization of our economy,” he said.

The MEP warned that the automotive industry is “seriously threatened by the lack of flexibility in climate policies and by insufficient support”. “In sectors as important as the automotive industry, we have imposed targets without adequately assessing their viability,” he said, referring to the critical situation of this sector in the European Union.

De la Hoz urged the College of Commissioners to understand that the competitiveness of the automotive industry must not be subordinated to decarbonisation objectives, as the sector plays a strategic role both economically and socially. He also stressed that the automotive industry is “a flag of European industry” and that its protection is essential for jobs and the economy.

“With this intervention, Raúl de la Hoz reaffirms his commitment to defending the productive sectors of Castilla y León, especially those, such as the automobile industry, which are essential in the European political and economic debate,” explained the PPCyL in a statement. release.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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