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HomeTop StoriesJunts rejects Sumar's bill to regulate vacation rentals and room rentals

Junts rejects Sumar’s bill to regulate vacation rentals and room rentals

He Congress of Deputies will ultimately not deal with the bill promoted by Addsocial movements and tenants to fight against the fraudulent use of seasonal rental and room rental contracts, a close vote marked by the change of position of Junts.

The vote was so close that it forced the Prime Minister to resign, Pedro Sanchez who supported the treatment of this bill, voted after 8:30 p.m. after a long day in the Lower House. The vote ended with 172 votes for and 178 votes against.

According to sources from the Catalan team at LaSexta, The juntas “cannot participate” in the processing of a law which “institutionalizes, among other things, that a room is a house.” In addition, they consider it “obvious” that they would face an invasion by the Catalan powers.

Throughout the morning, Together had put forward his abstention, with the PSOE and Canarian Coalition to position themselves in favor. However, the Junts deputies joined the “no” bloc, preventing the bill from being considered. In addition to Sumar, the bill was signed by EH Bildu, ERC and BNGeven though the second party in the government coalition claims to have spoken “with all political groups”, with the exception of Vox.

This project has attracted criticism even from the socialists, with a Patxi Lopez that he did not agree with the ban on buying houses in tense areas that Sumar is defending. For Junts, this bill does not solve the “fundamental problems” which exist for access to housing.

The Minister of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduyargued that this bill is motivated by the “extreme situation in which housing is found in Spain.” In Al Rojo Vivo, Minister de Sumar criticized the fact that the autonomous communities governed by the PP “do not apply the housing law.”What is extreme is that youth cannot emancipate themselves.“What is extreme is that working families cannot pay their rent, what is extreme is that there are vulture funds and speculators who profit obscenely while people do not have the right to live in an apartment,” he regretted.

The text attempted to put an end to “fraudulent” use that temporary rental owners can do to circumvent the obligations established by the Housing Law in force in Spain, requiring the owner to justify the need for a temporary rental and, therefore, to prove it in terms equivalent to labor legislation. A general presumption is also introduced in favor of habitual residence contracts.




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