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HomeBreaking NewsJunts overturns temporary rental law even though Sánchez went to vote to...

Junts overturns temporary rental law even though Sánchez went to vote to avoid defeat

New parliamentary defeat for the Government. Together has finally joined PP, Voice And UPN lie in the Plenary of the Congress admission to invoice processing by partners on the left of the PSOE to modify the Urban Leases Act and limit seasonal and room rentals.

Although the Catalans had announced that they would abstain, they finally decided to take a position against, so that the vote ended with 172 votes in favour. PSOE, Add, MRC, Images, PNV, Can, BNG, Canarian Coalition And Jose Luis Abalosformer socialist deputy now integrated into the Mixed Group; and 178 votes against.

The narrowness of the vote, in which the expected difference between the votes for and against was just one vote, ultimately prevented the initiative from succeeding. In fact, hforced members of the Government to go and vote, even for Pedro Sanchez And Yolanda Diazwho had not planned to go there.

During the debate, Junts representative Marta Madrenas attacked its content without specifying why she was going to abstain, even though its secretary general, Jordi Turull, had announced, in an interview on La 2 and Radio 4, that her opponent would abstain because the PSOE had assured them that they would put it “in the drawer”.

For his part, the PNVwho, like Junts, had previously opposed the housing law approved by the left, gave a “critical support”after having argued that, if temporary contracts are used in fraud of the law as usual accommodation, it is because of the “terrible regulation” that there was in the law on housing and advances that he will take advantage of his amendments to “touch up” it.

Temporary lease law

The standard in question consisted of a reform of the Urban Leases Act assimilate temporary contracts to those of habitual residence and thus discourage their use, avoid fraud which allows people to avoid paying Housing law or increase prices continuously.

To provide greater guarantees, the proposal includes seasonal contracts in article two of the law, which regulates the rental of habitual residence and guarantees greater protection of rentals.

Another element to be highlighted in the legal reform proposed by the groups is the addition of a new article 9 bis in the Urban Leases Act so that the seasonal contract cannot exceed six months.

If six months have elapsed or if more than two consecutive contracts are linked, it will be a habitual residence rental contract, and all the precepts provided for such contracts will apply.

On the other hand, the proposal provided that in temporary contracts, the tenant could terminate the rental contract, once at least one month had passed since its formalization, by informing the lessor ten days in advance, without in any case giving the right to compensation.




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