Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:08 am
HomeWhat will a Harris win change for Ukraine? Mike Pompeo's view

What will a Harris win change for Ukraine? Mike Pompeo’s view

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has expressed the opinion that Kamala Harris’ victory in the presidential election could significantly affect the situation in Ukraine. In an interview with journalist Natalya Moseychuk, he noted that the current White House administration spends too much time on discussions, which, in his opinion, provokes more aggressive actions from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo analyzed Harris’ performance as vice president, emphasizing that she was involved in decision-making on Afghanistan, which became one of the biggest defeats for the United States on the international stage. He also suggested that this weakening of the US position could have contributed to the fact that Putin stopped fearing retaliation and decided on military aggression against Ukraine.

According to Pompeo, Kamala Harris’ policies will likely remain progressive, but will show weakness. As an example, he cited the prolonged talk of a possible escalation, which he says only encourages Putin to take tougher measures.

The former Secretary of State also commented on the issue of Ukraine’s membership in NATO. He noted that Putin has drawn a “red line,” saying that Kiev’s entry into the Alliance would have serious consequences. Western allies, according to Pompeo, have begun to fear the Kremlin’s possible use of nuclear weapons, which is slowing down Ukraine’s accession process to NATO.

In conclusion, Pompeo stressed that constant talk about the fear of escalation by the current US administration only encourages Putin to take further aggressive steps.

Earlier, Kursor reported that Israel’s friend Mike Pompeo had decided to run in the US presidential election.

The former secretary of state and CIA director said former President Donald Trump’s continued rise in popularity did not influence his decision.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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