Friday, September 20, 2024 - 9:35 am
HomeLebanon's last president speaks out on war against Israel

Lebanon’s last president speaks out on war against Israel

Michel Aoun, Lebanon’s last president, commented on the risk of a large-scale military confrontation with Israel in an interview with local media.

“I am against Lebanon’s involvement in the war. Lebanon is the smallest country in the region. It does not have a common border with the Gaza Strip. It has no economic relations with the Gaza Strip or an agreement on joint defense. The state of Lebanon did not decide to participate in the hostilities, as did (other) Arab states. I sincerely hope that I am wrong in my assessment and that the war will end and Lebanon will remain within its current borders. I have real concerns that Israel wants to occupy the area south of the Litani in order to create a buffer zone there,” he said.

Please note that Michel Aoun is a Lebanese politician who served as President of Lebanon from 2016 to 2022. He is also the founder of the Free Patriotic Movement party, considered one of the most influential political forces in Lebanon.

In 2016, after a long political crisis, Aoun was elected president of Lebanon and his presidency was accompanied by successes and numerous challenges, including economic and political crises in the country. Michel Aoun is also known for his close relationship with Hezbollah, the Shiite movement backed by Iran.

Lebanon is currently in a state of political crisis and the country is still without an elected president. At the same time, Lebanon has a prime minister who heads the government. The prime minister since 2021 is Najib Mikati.

Earlier, Kursor reported that Lieberman said how long the war would last if there was no “sharp escalation.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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