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Complaint against Dorado and former general coordinator for corruption of an advertising agency has been filed

The president of the Instruction Court 7 of Cordoba ordered the open file against the former advisor of the Infrastructure sector of the City Hall of Cordoba, David Doradoand the then-MLB area coordinator in the separate “infrastructure file” room for an alleged attempt to advertising agency corruption during the previous municipal mandate.

The UDEF police report that gave rise to this procedure contained the statements of an advertising businessman who claimed that there had been a meal with David Dorado in a capital restaurant in which he allegedly proposed sharing the 30,000 euros of European aid by somehow modifying the calls for tender through companies or nominees.

The lunch this businessman was referring to UDEF He also admitted that there was no record of any recordings and that it took place on August 27, 2020.

Among other points for which the file was requested by the defense of MLB, there was that this proposal was impossible because these 30,000 euros of European aid could not be distributed since this amount was linked in a single contract for which they could be allocated.

With this case, as the defense attorney for the MLB Infrastructure coordinator explained to ABC, Javier Perez HinojosaThere are already three cases against his client to which a judicial body closed these separate pieces from the main case of the “Infrastructure Case” which is being investigated at the Instruction Court 4 of Córdoba.

In the judicial order of the Court of Instruction 7, to which ABC had access, it is stated that after having conducted the relevant procedure, “the facts for which this procedure is being investigated They do not constitute a criminal offence.. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of article 637.2.o of the LECr, the free classification of the file should be accepted.

Last year, the investigating judge opened the investigation of this case, which is one of the four pieces derived from “Operation Charon” initiated by the UDEF within the framework of the Infrastructure File. The presiding judge called David Dorado, former advisor to the infrastructure sector, to testify as an investigated in this first phase of testimonies so that he could clarify the alleged attempt at corruption briefly reported in the UDEF report sent to Judge Laínz.

Three archived pieces

The three pieces of evidence filed so far by three different judicial authorities as part of this “Operation Charon” against former coordinator of the MLB area were those related to the works of the Plaza de Cuba (Instruction Court 4); corruption in minor contracts (Instruction Court 8); and this third case of alleged corruption in the context of an advertising contract (Instruction Court 7).

Thus, the first to file a complaint against former infrastructure advisor David Dorado and former coordinator of the MLB area was the Instruction Court 4 of Córdoba, which ordered in May 2023 the provisional classification of the trial opened against him for the piece. compared to Parking at Place de Cuba concluding that “the commission of the crime which gave rise to the constitution of the case does not appear to be duly justified”.

The second case was ordered by the president of the Instruction Court 8 of Cordoba last May for a open file against the infrastructure coordinator and the area chief for alleged corruption in the management of small construction contracts. In this case, it concerned the selection of companies to undertake minor works in centres and other municipal offices.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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