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HomeLatest NewsYoung immigrants call for new mass attack on Ceuta fence

Young immigrants call for new mass attack on Ceuta fence

No matter how harsh the repression is, or the arrests, or the grief of the mothers who cry on the beaches waiting for the waves to spit out the body of their son, who has not called for weeks and they know it, the most logical thing is that he has not arrived in Ceuta. Nothing matters. Moroccan media, such as “Le Desk”, explain that these are young NEETs, what we call in Spain “NEET”. They have no training for employment, no work or education. With no future in their country, they go to Spain again and again. Morocco stopped them last Sunday by protecting the border with riot police and soldiers using water jets and beating the hundreds of young people, between 300 and 400 according to official figures, who wanted to storm the Ceuta border. But he already has another date. The harraga are reorganizing for September 30in less than two weeks.

This Sunday, they tried at several points to enter by sea and through the fence, but they did not succeed. On Monday night, other clashes in front of Benzú also showed the tenacity of the young people who were trying to cross to Spain. Even the harsh repression, the beatings and the arrests do not stop them. They believe in Europe as the safest future and throw themselves into it with life or death. Many of them are minors, who have not managed to enter a city of Ceuta that already has 523 homeless children under guardianship. In Castillejos, since the waves of August, there have been accusations, detentions and dispersals of groups.

The Royal Gendarmerie was then fully deployed. Auxiliaries of the Moroccan army were also deployed to cut off access to the beaches and limit movement. Buses loaded with young people headed south, hundreds of kilometers to avoid their proximity to the border. A heavy hand that does not stop the Harraga movement (illegal immigrants), which calls for a new “attack” on the border at the end of this month. Once the last call was canceled, a new call was already circulating on TikTok, Facebook and WhatsApp groups to enter Spain.

And it doesn’t matter that Morocco reported the arrest of more than 4,455 people trying to cross into Ceuta between September 11 and 15. The vast majority followed the call on social media. Data provided by the Moroccan government indicates that the security measures resulted in the arrest of 3,795 adultsin addition to 141 minors. Among them 519 people of other nationalities. This time, there were some in the sub-Saharan groups. Since August, there are Algerians who fly to Morocco and try to cross to Ceuta. Arrivals are also monitored.


Up to six mass jump attempts took place during this latest wave. The majority on Sunday, while throughout the day hundreds of young people They defied the authorities to try to break the border defenses. They even had to be closed several times. None succeeded. They only received occasional blows because of the harshness with which Morocco was used.

In this same context, the arrest of 60 people was confirmed in the days preceding the mass jump. Arrests throughout the country as instigators of the harraga movement. People accused of incitement to cross and storm Ceuta, who were brought to justice. They are accused of having caused “Fake News” Riots.

The spokesman for the Ceuta government, Alejandro Ramirez, assured yesterday that he suspects that these movements “are not spontaneous, but could be organized” and that their objective is to generate “tensions and unrest.” “We believe that there is a bad intention behind these attempts, probably coordinated via social networks,” he explained.

In this sense, Ramirez assured that the intelligence services of Spain and Morocco They are investigating the origin of these calls and hope to identify and arrest those responsible. For his part, the president of Ceuta, Juan Jesús Vivas (PP), has already asked the Interior for more troops to guard the border, in case they manage to defeat the Moroccans. He does not want another crisis like the one in 2021. “This southern border of Spain and Europe in Africa lives in a state of permanent concern and requires priority and special attention,” Vivas stressed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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