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HomeBreaking NewsVenezuelan Parliament presents draft agreement on severing relations with Spain

Venezuelan Parliament presents draft agreement on severing relations with Spain

The Chavismo-controlled Venezuelan parliament presented on Tuesday the draft agreement with which will urge government to “assess” severance of diplomatic relations and trade with Spain, in response to the decision of the Spanish Congress to recognize the opposition Edmundo González Urrutia – exiled in the European country – as president-elect.

The document, read during the session, urges “the National Executive to evaluate, in a timely manner, the Break diplomatic and commercial relations with the Kingdom of Spainas a reciprocal action to the crude and intrusive proposal” of the Spanish Congress against “Venezuelan constitutionality”.

On September 11, the Congress, with the vote against the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), approved a non-legislative proposal promoted by the Popular Party (PP) in which it asks the government to recognize as president of Venezuela González Urrutia, who arrived in Madrid on the 8th of this month to request asylum from the persecution he claims to have suffered in his country.

In this sense, the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN, Legislative) rejects, according to the draft agreement, “the disastrous resolution promoted by the fascist right of the Congress” of the European country, and urges Spanish parliamentarians to “respect the decision of the Venezuelan government that sovereignly elected Maduro as “re-elected president” in the elections of July 28.

This result, announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) on the basis of results still unknown in a disaggregated manner, is rejected anddescribed as “fraudulent” by the opposition majority – the United Democratic Platform (PUD) – and widely contested by a large part of the international community, which is demanding the publication of the minutes.

The AN project highlights the decision of the Spanish Congress as an “action that seeks to ignore the democratic institutions” of Venezuela, in addition to the “sovereign will of an entire people.”

Likewise, he states that in recent years, “the Spanish extreme right harbored convicted and confessed criminals, fascists and terroristswho, together with the Venezuelan right, have promoted “failed coups” in this Caribbean country and “the explosion of violence to generate political and social destabilization.”

“We will never accept that any foreign government or international body imposes conditions and interferes in our internal affairs,” the document adds.

The project was presented at the request of the president of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, who last week asked to draw up a resolution, which he hopes will be approved, to urge the Executive to break off “all diplomatic, consular, economic and commercial relations” with Spain.

Rodriguez demanded that the resolution establish that “all commercial activities of Spanish companies cease immediately,” in response to what he considers Spain’s “most brutal attack” on Venezuela “since the time” when the Caribbean country was fighting for its independence, in reference to the decision of the Congress of the European nation.

Demand a correction

For his part, the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yvan Gildemanded this Tuesday a rectification from the Spanish government and that this “unambiguously” condemn terrorism after the arrest of two Spaniards allegedly involved in a terrorist plot.

Gil shared this information with his counterpart, Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares, during the telephone conversation they had at the latter’s request. This is the first contact at government level since the arrest of José María Basoa Valdovinos and Andrés Martínez Adasme was known on Saturday.

“We hope that the Spanish government will immediately rectify, unambiguously condemn terrorism and assume the corresponding commitments within the framework of international law,” the Chancellor said in a statement published on Telegram.




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