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HomeBreaking NewsCall for tenders for funding educational, scientific and research projects for SMEs

Call for tenders for funding educational, scientific and research projects for SMEs

In accordance with the “Regulations on financing of education, science, research and support projects related to the development of micro, small and medium-sized businesses” approved by the Decision of the Council of Ministers of 30 September 2020, the Small and Medium-sized Business Development Agency (SMB) announces a competition for financing projects in the fields of education, science, research and support.

Oku.Az reports that the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency has published information on this matter.


– Legal entities or natural persons belonging to micro, small and medium-sized businesses may participate in the competition;

– Projects must belong to one of the fields of education, science, research and support;

– Each person has the right to submit only 1 project within the contest;

– The project execution period must not be less than 3 months or more than 12 months;

– Projects fully financed by other institutions, ongoing or completed projects cannot be additionally financed or refinanced by the Agency;

– The documents required to participate in the competition must be submitted complete;

– Please note that the work defined within the project must start from 15.12.2024;

– Projects submitted to the competition must be written in Azerbaijani language.

Amount of financial resources allocated: The maximum amount of funding for each project is 20,000 (twenty thousand) manats.

Acceptance of project documents: From 24 September 2024 at 09:00 to 23 October 2024 at 18:00 (Note: Project documents submitted before or after the specified time will not be accepted).

Competition schedule: October 25, 2024 – November 25, 2024.

SMEs wishing to participate in the competition must submit the following documents electronically from September 24, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to October 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.[email protected]) or on paper media directly to the Agency (Baku city, Ziya Bunyadov 38C, block 1969, “Baku KOB evi”):

· Application form;

· Project submitted to the competition;

· Financial justification of the project budget;

· Copies of documents proving the identity and powers of a natural person or a representative of a legal entity that is an SME;

· If the applicant is a legal entity, copies of the extract from the state register of legal entities and the charter.

(Note: You can download the relevant documents from the following link:

Information on the results of the competition November 25, 2024 will be published on the official KOBIA website after

For more information: (+994 12) 404 04 01, 131 Call Center.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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