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check if you are on the list

Tax authorities catches up with the mutualists who paid too much at the time because of an error by the Tax Agency. A Supreme Court ruling has ruled in favor of these groups of now retired workers and so, before the end of the year, the administration will have to catch up with the millions of Spaniards who must earn between 3,000 and 4,000 euros. Check if you are on this Treasury list so that it can return this money to you.

Mutualists have been in the news since a Supreme Court ruling ruled in favor of a bank employee who was seeking reimbursement of contributions he had overpaid to the Social security in 1967 and 1978. The High Court ordered the Treasury to return the money to the mutual members who, between those dates, had contributed 100% when they should have contributed 75% due to an error by the tax authorities.

Almost five million Spaniards have been harmed by this error. During the income declaration campaign corresponding to 2023, they had the first opportunity to request a refund from the Treasury. For this, even the Tax Agency has activated a channel on its website to facilitate refunds to those affected, many of whom have already paid in the first months of the year.

“It will not be necessary to attach any type of documentation to the request, since, in general, the AEAT will already have the necessary information to resolve the request. However, in the event that it is not possible to resolve a specific request with the available information, the interested parties may be required to provide the necessary documents after the fact,” reported the Tax Agency in a statement.

A retired couple consults a tablet from the sofa.

Mutualists registered on the Treasury list

The mutualists who appear on the list of Tax authorities These are those who contributed to a mutual insurance company at the time until 1978. On the one hand, those who contributed more before January 1, 1967 and contributed 100% will not pay tax on the full part of this pension, while those who contributed 100% between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1978, only 75% will be taxed, so the Tax Agency You must return 25% of this estimate.

This group of mutualists can claim the years that have not yet expired, i.e. from 2019 to 2023. It is therefore recommended that people who did not make a request during the last income declaration campaign do so during the next one in order not to lose a good sum of money that belongs to them.

Those who receive a pension will not be able to claim this money:

  • Satisfied by the Passive Classes for public agents while they were not included throughout their professional life in the Passive Classes regime, because it is not a mutual insurance company.
  • Obtained through contributions paid to self-employed mutual funds.
  • Widowhood, because they are not included in the 2nd DT, because they do not come from the contributions of the beneficiary of this pension.
  • Non-contributory, because they are not included in DT 2, as they do not come from previous contributions.

When will the Treasury return the money?

Have you requested a refund of excess contributions from the Treasury and it still hasn’t returned the money? No problem. The Tax Agency sets the deadline for all refunds in the income tax return in December. It must be taken into account that there are cases that require further study and that is why the Administration takes time when admitting the corresponding persons.

If by January 2025 the Treasury has not caught up with you, there is no problem either. Tax Agency A small fine, usually equivalent to a 4% commission, is imposed for failure to return the money on time to those who have submitted their tax returns before the end of the campaign.

The page activated by the Tax Agency.

If you are a mutualist, you meet the conditions and you have not yet claimed the money that belongs to you, the Tax Agency has activated a channel in which you will only have to add your personal information, your telephone number and your account number so that your money is returned to you when you next file your taxes.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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