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HomeTop StoriesSummer ends with the loss of 327 self-employed workers every day

Summer ends with the loss of 327 self-employed workers every day

Despite the record number of tourists arriving in Spain, the summer season ends with a cumulative loss of jobs, between July and August, of more than 200,000 jobs.

The average data on affiliation to the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), published in recent days, reveal that In Spain, 327 self-employed workers were lost every day in August. In this way, he It went from 3.381 million self-employed people in July to 3.371 million in August 2024which represents a decrease of 10,135 self-employed workers, which This equates to a loss of 0.3%.

These figures alerted the president of the Association of Independent Workers (ATA), Lorenzo Amor, who stressed that Today, businesses and the self-employed need trust, legal certainty and certainty.. At the same time, he considered that The results of the July and August sum are the worst recorded in the last ten years.with a loss of 203,000 jobs.

“The employment data we have for August are particularly negative. It is true that in August there is always a significant loss of members due to the end of the summer campaign, but in this case We are concerned that more than 6,400 jobs are being lost every day“said Amor. In this sense, he also commented that July and August are months in which tourism experiences its main boom and that in theory it should increase hiring and job creation, however, Social Security saw a drop of 193,704 contributors, which represents a drop of 0.9% compared to July..

Amor, said he was concerned about the figures revealed because Jobs have been destroyed, unemployment has increased and hiring has also decreased.. “More than 15,000 self-employed workers were lost in these two months”asked the representative of the self-employed.

“We cannot live in permanent uncertainty and worry due to the regulatory changes that are continually announced and that go against the self-employed, businesses and, above all, the maintenance and creation of jobs,” added Amor.

The president of the ATA explained that the daily loss of more than 300 self-employed workers during the month of August is a situation that can also be seen in the autonomous communities. so that The Community of Madrid and the Region of Murcia are the localities in which the greatest decrease in self-employment has been recorded.with a decrease of 0.6% of its RETA members.

On the contrary, only the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and Cantabria did not register any loss of self-employed workers in the eighth month of the year. At this point, it should be noted that the loss has become widespread and that in all the autonomous communities, except those mentioned, fewer affiliates have been registered. With this, ATA confirms data worse than those obtained in the same month of 2023 while four communities managed to add self-employed workers.

Distinguishing the sectors, last August, losses were recorded in commerce (-0.3%), industry (0.5%) and agriculture. Likewise, the education sector presents a significant reduction of 2,073 self-employed workers.

Given these data, Amor stressed his concern about the decrease of 20,000 jobs in the agricultural sector in the last year and the reduction of 13,000 workers in the original regime. “These data should make us reflect on the situation in which our economy finds itself,” he stressed.

For their part, only transport (+173) and the information and communication sector (+220) saw positive increases in the evolution of ATA affiliates during the month of August.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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