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Reynders travels to Madrid to take stock of the unblocking of the judiciary after the agreement reached in June

The European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, is travelling to Madrid this Wednesday. Your visit is intended take stock of unlocking of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) after the agreement reached by the PSOE and the PP last June in Brussels.

During his stay, the Belgian liberal plans to meet with the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez FeijóoBefore meeting them, Reynders will hold a meeting with the president of the CGPJ and the Supreme Court, Isabel Perelló.

After the visit, will hold a press conference in the offices of the Representation of the European Commission in Madrid early this afternoon, at 3:15 p.m. In this document, the Community services indicate, he will report on the “follow-up of the results of the structured dialogue on the application of the recommendation of the reports on the rule of law in relation to the CGPJ of Spain”.

Community sources consulted by Europa Press confirm that the “only subject” on the Commissioner’s agenda is approach the process which affects the governing body of judges and assess progress made since the Brussels-supervised agreement was announced last June.

Bolaños and the deputy secretary for institutional affairs of the PP and MEP Esteban González Pons led the negotiations supervised by the Commission to reach an agreement that would allow the governing body of judges to get out of the impasse of more than five years.

The pact has arrived after six months of contact and was reflected in a document signed by the PP and the PSOE which, in addition to the renewal carried out this summer, sets a deadline of six months for the CGPJ to present a proposal for reform of the system of election of members designated from among judges and magistrates.

It was during a meeting on 25 June with the Vice-President of the Community Executive responsible for the rule of law, the Czech liberal Vera Jourova, that both announced the agreement to renew the CGPJ and the “road map” to follow to move towards the reform of the system of election of members, on the basis of the proposal made by the new CGPJ after examining the European systems of election of members of the Judicial Councils similar to the Spanish one.

The sources consulted dissociate this movement from the review of the amnesty law still pending in Brussels. In November last year, when the standard had not yet been registered in the Congress of Deputies, Reynders asked the government for explanations and stressed that his services would carry out a detailed analysis to decide whether the law is compatible with Community law but not There is a deadline for its completion.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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