Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:03 am
HomeParaguay touchingly expressed its solidarity with Israel – photo

Paraguay touchingly expressed its solidarity with Israel – photo

The meeting was attended by Israeli Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, as well as relatives of the victims of the Hamas terror attack on October 7 last year. The delegation included Elhanan Danino, whose son Ori was captured and killed by Hamas militants at the Nova festival, and Avi Hassidim, the father of Naor, who died in Kibbutz Kfar Az. The Paraguayan MPs greeted them with applause, expressing their solidarity.

Israel Hayom writes about this.

Ohana noted in his speech that “true friendship does not depend on convenience, and relations between Paraguay and Israel have flourished despite crises,” emphasizing that Paraguay has been a staunch ally of Israel on the international stage. He said that the country had not succumbed to moral pressure, defending Israel against accusations and supporting it in the fight against terrorist organizations. The speaker expressed gratitude for this support and said that Israel will never forget those who stood by in difficult times.

Ohana also spoke about the current situation on Israel’s northern border, where Hezbollah, acting under the direction of Iran, has forced tens of thousands of citizens to flee their homes. According to the speaker, Israel has done everything possible to find a diplomatic solution, but now the time has come when it is necessary to say “enough” to attacks against civilians.

Raúl Latorre responded by expressing his support for Israel and asking that a message be conveyed to the parents of the victims and kidnapped people that they are not alone and that Paraguay will always be there for the Israelis, even if others do not join in this support.

During the meeting, Ohana received the highest honor of the Paraguayan House of Representatives, the Order of Congress. In addition, Ohana and Latorre signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cooperation and the exchange of experiences between the parliaments of the two countries. The document also reflects the willingness of the countries to deepen cooperation in international forums.

It is worth noting that in Paraguay the position of left-wing political forces is traditionally weak and for many years the country has been governed by the National Republican Association, which adheres to national conservative views. The main opposition force is the centrist liberal Gran Alianza Nacional Renovada.

Amir Ohana will soon participate in the inauguration ceremony of the Israeli embassy together with Paraguayan President Santiago Peña. On Friday, Ohana will travel to Argentina, where he is scheduled to meet with President Javier Miley in Buenos Aires.

Earlier, Cursor reported that Paraguay’s president promised to move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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