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HomeEntertainment Newsa single rate implemented throughout Ile-de-France from 2025

a single rate implemented throughout Ile-de-France from 2025

From January 2025, all users of the Paris region’s metro, train and RER network will benefit from a single price of €2.50 per ticket, regardless of their destination. The stated aim of this change, announced in HE Parisian Launched on Tuesday 17 September and confirmed by the regional transport authority Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), it aims to simplify the lives of the 4 million occasional users who buy tickets individually.

By eliminating the current pricing regime, the ticket will be more expensive in Paris itself, where it currently sells for 2.15 euros each or 1.73 euros for a book of ten. A booklet that will disappear but will be cheaper for other journeys, where currently “OD” (origin-destination) tickets cost between 3.20 and 5 euros per unit depending on the distance travelled.

The current system combines many different formulas, depending on the area and mode of transport. “The aim is to follow the logic of the Navigo single pass, this time for occasional travellers, with the same principle: the same transport price for all residents of Île-de-France, whether they live in the suburbs or in Paris.said Valérie Pécresse, president of IDFM, in an interview with Parisian.

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A “self-financed” reform

“This reform is self-financing. It has a theoretical cost of 30 million euros in revenue per year if behaviour does not change. But we believe that these new prices will lead to an increase in transport use of between 1 and 2% and we will step up the fight against fraud.She said. The president (LR) of the region defended a price of 2.50 euros, “a socially and economically acceptable price, while the theoretical equilibrium price would be 2.80 euros. For the bus/tram ticket, it will be 2 euros”.

The Liberté + formula, a post-paid card currently in use in Paris, will be extended to the whole of Île-de-France, with the advantage of offering a connection between a bus and a tram or metro.

Greeting like “good news” The establishment of this single rate is what the left-wing opposition to the regional president said in a statement announcing self-financing. «It remains to be seen, although we can guess that the increase in the price of the metro ticket (which will go from 2.15 euros to 2.50 euros, or +16%) will generate significant revenues and some disappointments». “This announcement is made without debate, prior information or vote by the board of directors of Ile-de-France Mobilités”regrets Céline Malisé, president of the Communist, Ecologist and Citizen Left, who points out that this reform will apply from 1 January 2025. “or the day a new price increase comes into effect”.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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