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Feijóo accuses Sánchez of imposing “censorship” in his regeneration plan: “This has not been seen since Franco”

The democratic regeneration plan announced this Tuesday by the Government was received with great suspicion by the opposition. The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, staged it better than anyone during the control session of the Congress, where he accused the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, of trying to impose “censorship” through his set of measures promoted after the letter to citizens that the socialist addressed to the country in April, in which he threatened to resign following the judicial investigation opened against his wife, Begoña Gómez. “Nothing like this has been seen since Franco,” the popular even said. The recovery plan approved this Tuesday by the Council of Ministers includes measures such as the registration of the media in the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) and the National Commission of Markets and Competition. limitation of institutional advertising. Two points that, combined with the speech of the Executive that, since the accusation of Gómez for alleged influence peddling, has launched to denounce alleged hoaxes and “fake news”, make the PP, as well as Vox, suspect the Moncloa’s desire to install a kind of censoring pressure on the press. Sánchez did not take on the role of Núñez Feijóo and ignored his comparison with the Franco regime, but he did not take advantage of his answers in the control session to defend the regeneration plan. The positive revision of Spain’s growth forecasts, carried out by the Bank of Spain, now headed by former minister José Luis Escriva, and by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), has hardly managed to stand out. “It was not the Bank of Spain, it was Mr. Escriva,” said Núñez Feijóo, in a speech that was widely applauded by his bench, in which he hoped, with sarcasm, that Escrivá would not fail in his diagnosis and would become, in reference to the president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), in a “Tezanos bis”. The control session made it possible to make perfectly visible the moment of weakness of the Government, with fronts open by the pessimism that is beginning to settle in. among several of its partners, the immigration crisis, the Catalan quota and the corruption that threatens the executive due to the Koldo affair and the accusations against the wife and brother of President Sánchez. Vox leader Santiago Abascal pressured the socialists on immigration, while ERC spokesman in Congress Gabriel Rufián asked him for a reaction to the emergence of a bloc made up of the PP, Vox and Junts on Tuesday. The parties joined forces to overturn a Sumar law that raised the need to regulate vacation rentals and room rentals, a “miserable” vote in Rufián’s words, but Sánchez turned a deaf ear to the Republican’s warnings. “There is a ghost that is walking through this room and it is the ghost of the right and the extreme right, a new bloc, PP, Vox and Junts,” said the ERC deputy, who pointed out that the government had already lost 35 votes in the Lower House. “Can you imagine a parachutist at 10,000 meters saying that he is passing the parachute? I would say he is a liar or an idiot. “What are you doing?” he asked, Sánchez, who had already told Núñez Feijóo that he had three years left in his term and that they would be long, insisted on this point under pressure from Rufián. “The legislatures, as prescribed by the Constitution, last four years, so there are three years left before the end of this legislature,” he said first, and finally: “We are going to continue for three years.” “We are going to exhaust the legislative power,” the first vice-president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, also said to the popular spokesperson of the Congress, Miguel Tellado. An idea echoed by several ministers. “They have three years left, it is going to be long,” replied the head of Justice, Félix Bolaños, to the PP deputy Ester Muñoz. The problem for the government is that even its allies are beginning to distrust the viability of the legislature and that the concessions to the independence movement, far from what was thought when swallowing the amnesty law, are far from guaranteeing a minimum of stability. Vice-president Montero, for yet another session, has not been able to explain the Catalan quota, to the great despair of the PP secretary general, Cuca Gamarra: “It is not coffee for everyone, it is poison for the welfare state”. She continued without explaining the details of the tax pact with ERC, in response to the BNG deputy, Néstor Rego, Montero acknowledged that it is an “important source of inspiration” for the long-awaited reform of the regional financing system. The sovereignist parliamentarian directly asked him for an economic agreement that would give Galicia the possibility of collecting taxes, to which Montero said neither yes nor no, neither black nor white. Vox’s spokesperson in Congress, Pepa Millán, also did so. Asked for explanations about the “unfavourable tax model” for Catalonia, but Bolaños responded as he almost always does: calling his speech “ultra-right”. Regarding the Koldo case and the investigation into the president’s wife, Bolaños himself, Óscar Puente and the new Minister of Digital Transformation and Civil Service, Óscar López, had to respond. With slight nuances, all three agree: everything about Gómez is “hoaxes and hoaxes” by the “extreme right-wing organisations” that the PP has seized upon. Concrete answers, as every Wednesday, are few and far between.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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