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HomeLatest NewsKiko Matamoros wants to make Jimmy Giménez-Arnau's dream come true

Kiko Matamoros wants to make Jimmy Giménez-Arnau’s dream come true

Last Tuesday, September 17, live, the collaborators of Not even if we were They were surprised by tragic news. David Valldeperas, the program director, confirmed that Jimmy Giménez-Arnau had died. Sandra Salgado, his wife, took it upon herself to announce the death of her husband who, just a few days ago, had celebrated his birthday. The causes of death are still unknown, but the writer’s remains were transferred to the Tres Cantos funeral home (Madrid). A large number of Jimmy’s family and friends went there to say their final goodbyes. It is obvious that this news left his entourage speechless, among them Kiko Matamoros. Learning this news was not a pleasant experience, much less finding out in person. But that’s how the circumstances came about.

It all started when, following this death, the team of Not even if we were was forced to change the program schedule. Thus, the collaborators did not hesitate to recall a large number of anecdotes experienced with Jimmy Giménez-Arnau.. It was then that Kiko Matamoros, visibly affected, recognized that this loss had completely broken him: “I’m dry. I loved him a lot, I had a great time with him, I laughed a lot with him. I remember his appearance on Galician television and how he paid for a program with cans of seafood. I send a kiss to Sandra and her people. “It’s very difficult for me to stay here today, she’s a bitch.”. After the expressions of affection from the collaborators of Ni que fuerámos, the writer’s widow sent a message to Belén Esteban: “Thank you very much. The new stadium in Madrid was not seen, but oh well. “A kiss and a hug”.

Kiko Matamoros reveals to his teammates Jimmy Giménez-Arnau the wish he wants to fulfill. (Quickie Channel)

If there is something that characterizes Jimmy Giménez-Arnau, it is his great love for Real Madrid. The merengue club was undoubtedly one of his great passions and one of the themes that united him most with Kiko Matamoros. The collaborator of Not even if we were He quickly informed his colleagues and viewers of his desire to fulfill one of the famous writer’s wishes.

“If Sandra wants to cremate her remains, I know it’s forbidden, but I’m going to ask Sandra for some ashes and I’m going to throw them at the Santiago Bernabéu.”Marta López Álamo’s husband began by saying. “Sorry I sound like an idiot, but I know he’d be thrilled.”said Kiko Matamoros, visibly moved.

Kiko Matamoros, excited after talking about Jimmy Giménez-Arnau’s wish that he wants to fulfill. (Quickie Channel)

This confession, inevitably, provoked the rest of his classmates. Not even if we werelike Belén Esteban, María Patiño, Lydia Lozano and Kiko Hernández, ended in tears. And to be honest, it’s not surprising. After all, they shared many hours on television sets with Jimmy Giménez-Arnau but above all experiences that they will never forget. For them he was a truly exceptional companion and so his death was a very difficult loss.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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