Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:15 am
HomeTop StoriesThe CIS comes ahead of the PSOE with 33% of voting intentions...

The CIS comes ahead of the PSOE with 33% of voting intentions and widens the gap with the PP, second with 28.5%.

The Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) once again places the PSOE in the lead for the fourth consecutive time. This is shown by the data from the September barometer published this Wednesday and in which the PSOE would be in first position with 33% of the votes in the event of hypothetical elections. The second in voting intention would be the Popular Party, with 28.5% of voting intention, in the first barometer of the political journey.

The demographic organization places Vox in third place, with 13.1%, while Sumar would obtain 7.8% and Podemos would reach 3.6%. The previous study, corresponding to the month of July (in August there was no barometer), placed the PSOE in first place with 32.9% of the votes, more than two points behind the PP.

This barometer is published just days after the president of the CEI, sociologist José Félix Tezanos, appeared before the Constitutional Commission of Congress at the request of the Popular Parliamentary Group to report the alleged partisan bias of the surveys carried out under his leadership, a bias that Tezanos has denied.




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