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HomeBreaking NewsFinland and Estonia want to ban the movement of the Russian fleet...

Finland and Estonia want to ban the movement of the Russian fleet in the Gulf of Finland

Finland and Estonia are increasing cooperation in the field of maritime defence and should develop more specific plans to prohibit the movement of the Russian fleet in the Gulf of Finland, said Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces Andrus Merilo in an interview with the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper.

“It is a neighbourly problem that most NATO member countries now fully control the Gulf of Finland. Maritime defence is something that Finland and Estonia will continue to increase their cooperation on, and perhaps we can develop more specific plans on how, if necessary in the true sense of the word, to completely prohibit enemy activities in the Baltic Sea. Militarily it can be done, we are ready to do it and we are moving in that direction.” – said Merilo.

The publication’s journalists clarified the situation in which this could happen.

“Closing the Gulf of Finland? Closing the Gulf of Finland strategically depends on the security situation. If a danger arises and it is necessary, we are ready to do so to protect ourselves,” — replied the commander in chief.

Merilo is in Helsinki today, 18 September, where he will meet with the Minister of Defence of Finland, Antti Häkkänen, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces. Janne Jaakkola.

As observers note, if the Helsinki and Tallinn plans are implemented, St. Petersburg will find itself under a naval blockade.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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