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HomeBreaking NewsTezanos' CIS says Catalan concert sinks PP, which is 4.5 points below...

Tezanos’ CIS says Catalan concert sinks PP, which is 4.5 points below PSOE

The CIS of the socialist José Félix Tezanos published its September barometer on Wednesday and once again gave victory to the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez. According to the study, the socialists would win the elections with 33% of the votes, against 28.5% for the PP. This is a gap of 4.5 points, much wider than the 2.7 of the previous barometer.

The CIS fieldwork, that is, the investigations, were carried out between September 2 and 6. At that time, the political debate revolved around the Catalan agreement that the government had reached with ERC to invest Salvador Illa. According to the CEI’s reading, the agreement that sparked controversy even among the socialists themselves benefited the PSOE and harmed the PP.

The week of September 2-6 is the same one in which some PSOE barons publicly demonstrated their anger at the agreement, just before going to the Federal Committee. It is also the same week in which Alberto Núñez Feijóo gathered all his regional presidents to sign an agreement that would serve as an alternative to the Catalan concert.

Then, ERC and Junts were also unhappy with the fact that the government did not clarify what the pact really consisted of and formations from provinces such as Teruel, Cuenca and Soria joined forces to criticize the comparison made by the Executive of its financing with that of Catalonia.

Despite this political agitation generated, the CEI interprets that nothing that has happened has caused the PSOE to wear down. The PP only shows wear down in its barometer. In addition, Feijóo’s party is the only one of the main parties whose voting intentions are falling compared to the previous barometer, that of July.

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